Mentally Ill Men Shocked and Insulted That Normal Men Aren’t Attracted To Their Junk – IOTW Report

Mentally Ill Men Shocked and Insulted That Normal Men Aren’t Attracted To Their Junk

The world is mentally ill, led by our Dear Leader, the confused Barry Soetoro.

20 Comments on Mentally Ill Men Shocked and Insulted That Normal Men Aren’t Attracted To Their Junk

  1. homosexual men want to be women and homosexual women want to be men.

    that said, when a queer takes it to the next step by physically altering themselves, they believe that a straight person would play along. no.

    this is a continuation of the homosexual lifestyle. i wish these people would be honest about their sexual history.

    how old were they the first time they were molested.

  2. The problem with mentally ill and liberals (probably redundant) is they aren’t happy living their own utopia without forcing everyone else to accept, celebrate and live it with them.

    And convincing the youth of America to parrot this is normal and they should accept and participate in it should be criminal.

  3. Hahahaha the brunette one was so obvious I didn’t even notice the blonde until she spoke. Yikes. Sometimes you have to laugh at the ill because otherwise you’re compelled to cry for them.

  4. I call bullshit on this totally set up scenario–this was an acting gig for the sake of an agenda. And that one with the dark hair–the voice was so obviously male it was nauseating. Not that I dislike male voices, but on a dress-up date it’s repulsive.

    Moreover even in a real situation, what self-respecting female asks, “Do you think we’re cute?” It’s a staged question asked to later be able to bring down any guy who doesn’t want to play along.

    “Straight guys just can’t get over you having the male parts.” Wow, really? Guys are looking for girls, not biological males pretending to be girls. If you have a penis, like it or not, you’re not a girl.

  5. How many times has this tranny let guys get to first or second base without telling them? But if one had kicked ‘her’ ass for it, it would be a hate crime (as in I hate kissing trannies).

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