Merkel Fails To Form Gov’t By Deadline, Majority Of Germans Open To Snap Election – IOTW Report

Merkel Fails To Form Gov’t By Deadline, Majority Of Germans Open To Snap Election

DC: German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) had not agreed to a deal with potential coalition partners by the Friday deadline, as they remain far apart on key issues.

Talks have been extended and are expected to last through the weekend. If the parties still fail to reach an agreement, Germany could be headed for a snap election next year.

Negotiations between CDU, its sister party the Christian Social Union, the Green party and the pro-business Free Democrats have gone on for nearly two months. The three-way coalition, known as the “Jamaica” coalition, has failed to find common ground on issues regarding the environment, immigration and military spending.

CDU has proposed an upper limit of 200,000 refugee arrivals per year. The Greens are firmly opposed to this idea as they believe family reunification should be available for all refugees. The Free Democrats are opposed to the Greens’ demands when it comes to Germany’s carbon footprint, arguing it would put hundreds of thousands of jobs in danger.


SNIP: I’m thinking there will be two Germanies in the future. Maybe they should change things up and go North / South Germany this time.

5 Comments on Merkel Fails To Form Gov’t By Deadline, Majority Of Germans Open To Snap Election

  1. The deadline for a coalition decision is Sunday.

    Traditionally there was always talk of Bavaria joining
    with parts of other nations and creating an “Alpenland,”
    but that’s culturally how reality is today.
    No idea if it could ever be part of a
    Central European Western (i.e. non-muslim)
    union with Poland, Czech Republic, etc.

    We won’t have to wait long to find out.

  2. Having lived there for 17 years, I can say that culturally speaking, there are already a N and S Germany. The Northerners are as cold as their weather and as much fun as a wet blanket, whereas the Southerners are more laid back, and party like Vikings. Think Octoberfest..very S Germany.

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