Merkel’s Army Short On “Bang” – IOTW Report

Merkel’s Army Short On “Bang”

German soldiers are reportedly so short on rounds that their instructors are telling them to “imagine” making a “bang” sound when they pull the trigger during training.


Meanwhile, Chancellor Angela Merkel got her nose so far out of joint over President Trumps insistence that Germany and other NATO members meet their military spending obligations that she had the temerity to declare recently that “Europe has to be ready to plot its own course.”


26 Comments on Merkel’s Army Short On “Bang”

  1. Merkel has already plotted Germany’s own course, self destruction!
    and of course being a Muslim nation. Great plan way to think it through…lol Wake up America it’s coming soon. Once the libs get Puerto Rico to become a state then it’s DC. Time to stop this madness. Fight on Christian Soldiers!

  2. Will that be the Fourth, or the Fifth, Reich? I can’t keep up. But I am pretty sure France is on its Fifth Republic.

    Anyhow, remember last year when Trump criticized NATO, and all the pinheads were shrieking that he would pull us out? Now he won’t even have to. What are they going to call it…EATO?

    Yeah, I know, there’s Canada. CANEATO? Got to have somebody in the alliance with actual soldiers and weapons.

  3. I wonder just how rotten the German Army actually is. Not meaning in a conflict way but rather how long would they put up with this Merkal crap. It sure would be interesting to see the Wehrmacht er, sorry the Bundeswehr have a meeting with Herr Merkel and the rest of the rest of the so called representatives of the people ending with a temporary state martial law while some tidying up is done. Then new elections can be held with candidates that care about Germany’s future as a strong, independent country.

  4. The US should relocate our US Forces to Poland and other “loyal” EU countries who actually fund NATO, appreciate our help and could benefit from our financial assistance by having our troops in their country.

  5. Lance o Lot – me too! Fuckin’ Carter shivved the military so bad during his reign of terror that it was one of the major reasons I quit ROTC after two years.

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