Meteorite Crashes Into New Jersey Bedroom – IOTW Report

Meteorite Crashes Into New Jersey Bedroom

Zero Hedge

The operations manager for the American Meteor Society, Mike Hankey, believes a metallic object that crashed through the roof of a Hopewell Township, New Jersey, home on Monday is a meteorite.

“This is most certainly a meteorite, and there are likely more meteorite fragments now scattered around the town,” Hankey said in a statement on the Hopewell Township’s Facebook page. 

Hopewell Township announced in a press release that the metallic object is 4 inches by 6 inches. 

“It penetrated the roof, the ceiling, and then impacted the hardwood floor before coming to a rest,” the town said.  read more

7 Comments on Meteorite Crashes Into New Jersey Bedroom

  1. “It penetrated the roof, the ceiling, and then impacted the hardwood floor before coming to a rest,”

    I wish HE could penetrate in the bedroom like that!

  2. Mr. Hankey’s insurance company ruled that the meteor strike did not qualify as a “Sweet Meteor Of Death” reimbursable under his plan. Upon hearing that news, a tearful Hankey was seen reaching for a box of Kleenex while he talked to reporters. A competing tissue company publicly cried foul on their Twitter page over the obvious plug for Kleenex which they figured had to have been staged with Mr. Hankey.


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