#MeToo Organization “Time’s Up” Closing Down Some Operations – IOTW Report

#MeToo Organization “Time’s Up” Closing Down Some Operations


The Golden Globes carpet typically glitters with crystal-studded gowns in pastel hues, but it looked different in January 2018: The ballgowns were black, and the night’s key accessory was a pin that read “Time’s Up.” Onstage, Oprah Winfrey brought guests to their feet with a warning to powerful abusers: “Their time is up!”

Five years later, Time’s Up — the now-embattled anti-harassment organization founded with fanfare during the early days of the #MeToo reckoning against sexual misconduct — is ceasing operations, at least in its current form. Additional

12 Comments on #MeToo Organization “Time’s Up” Closing Down Some Operations

  1. Situational ethics is the doctrine of flexibility in the application of moral laws according to circumstances.

    Situational ethics is an integral part of the progressive movement, therefore any time they are pointing their bony fucking finger at any behavior you can bet your bottom dollar it has absolutely nothing to do with anything other than they have determined it will advance their political agenda. They always and without fail are highlighting something they had no compunction overlooking in the past.

  2. ICYMI

    There are some Former Trump Supporters AND Never Trumpers in ABSOLUTE PANIC right now. If you skim the pods. Some of THEM sound like they are standing on the Ledge. Other sound like THEY need to either bite the bullet or the cyanide cap. Some may have even signed their own destiny with things THEY said in the last 24 hours.

    What a Show

  3. “So, Time’s Up time’s up.” -Uncle Al

    Their time’s up was just in time.

    Because time waits for no man.

    Unless you’re in the nick of time.

    In which case, a stitch in time saves nine.

    But only if you’re not Hiesenberg’s cat.

  4. “Mission Accomplished” to quote the RINO President “W” Bush. Harvey Weinstein, the pervy Hollywierd director bimbos loved, until they didn’t is going to jail for life. Jeffrey Epstein “didnt kill himself” is gone. Ghislaine Maxwell may get a pass because she’s a woman and has leaverage – time will tell. The main reasons #MeToo got started was to “shake up” Hollywierd with leftist diversity – trans, leftist people of color, etc and get rid of their traitors/threats.

    Besides, This pre-woke, now outdated activist organization has helped sponsor other corrupt groups of leftist agencies – BLM, Antifa, Drag Queen Storytime, etc. that have been much more destructive.


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