#MeToo Scorecard – The Left is Leading Conservatives By Huge Margin – IOTW Report

#MeToo Scorecard – The Left is Leading Conservatives By Huge Margin

This is one sport you don’t want to excel at, but it seems the left have a lock on the gold medal in the #MeToo arena.

See here

9 Comments on #MeToo Scorecard – The Left is Leading Conservatives By Huge Margin

  1. It’s kinda funny that the left started this “movement” to shame Pres. Trump into resigning, but it backfired and practically all of the people this blew back on were libtard perverts. LOL

  2. “The left always blames the right for their own sins/immorality. I believe this a Saul Alinsky tactic.”

    Indeed it is…”make them live up to their own standards” is how I think he put it. I’ve recently become a believer in doing the same to them elsewhere on the net, and it’s worked better than I expected.

    Want to silence leftists? Simply reverse the table: explain in very small words to everyone watching (never to the individual) where his/her hypocrisy lies given prior leftist offenses which they ignore but hold right wingers responsible for. Don’t engage the target; it’s not necessary and denies them the use of a dozen logical fallacies to cover their ass with.

    Example: they bring up Trump’s whoring. You just bring up Clinton’s forcing a 22 year old intern under his desk (he admitted to that, and she was complicit, but by THEIR standards Lewinski still technically qualifies as power rape). They can’t respond to it. Occasionally they trot out “Well that’s different” card but it don’t fly; people call BS on it. Usually they just disappear for awhile because their talking points don’t provide a canned response and they’re too stupid to think for themselves.

    And THAT’S why they want an internet kill switch as bad as anything.

  3. When is the last time a conservative launched any sort of social campaign taking aim at something in this way? The Left is always coming up with new causes and things to vilify and turn into a #War. Theirs is such a mob mentality. I’ll bet their ancestors were behind the Salem witch trials.


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