Mexican Trash – IOTW Report

Mexican Trash




18 Comments on Mexican Trash

  1. So why aren’t the Kennedy’s considered to be white trash? After all Old man Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and worse. How is that so much different from being a white trash redneck moonshiner? Just because you have money and social status doesn’t make you a good person. It’s the old boy network, it’s who you know and can bribe.

  2. Maybe because a lot of Mexicans don’t
    have a large English vocabulary, and when they see the word “DENIGRate”, they just assume someone’s trying to lump them in with de nigrs?

    Ya think?

    O.K. – well, it was just a guess.

    I’ll let myself out now…

  3. I don’t understand it.

    Rats aren’t insulted when you call them rats.
    Tapeworms aren’t insulted when you point out that they’re parasites.
    Ticks aren’t insulted when you call em bloodsuckers.

    So, what’s up with all the ‘cans?

  4. The Kennedys ARE white trash.
    Grandpappy was a bootlegger. All his sons cheated on their wives. Most of their womenfolk get married off with the family’s financial or political interests as the prime consideration. They don’t seem to have any problem taking what don’t belong to them (why they gravitate to politics). They all seem to have alcohol or drug abuse problems. You WOULDN’T want to have them as neighbors.

    In what way is their life NOT a country song??

  5. They can’t be ‘insulted’ because they have no problem living the vida cockroacha in the first place. They just don’t want it pointed out because if stupid Americans figure it out, the windfall of benefits might stop.

  6. One of my closest friends (who is Mexican by heritage) told me that as long as Mexicans come here and live in communities of other non-English speakers, sell blankets over chainlink fences, let their kids and chickens roam in the front yard and in the streets unattended, collect welfare under different names, and start binge drinking on Wednesday mornings- Well, they’re considered wetbacks.
    And like her daddy said- If you want to come here for a better life, leave your old way of life back accross the border.

    And it isn’t just Mexicans or the other latinos. It’s Africans (Muslims and Christians) and some of you Asians. Don’t act like we don’t see you out there.

  7. And let me just add… When you see “your people” acting like that and you don’t want to be blended in with them, or have their behavior reflected upon you, then say something about it. I know it isn’t fair and it sucks that you should get lumped in with the assholes, but if you keep silent, and enable illegal immigration- as an example, this is what you have to deal with.

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