Mexico Didn’t Send Us Her – IOTW Report

Mexico Didn’t Send Us Her

Mexican girl with an IQ of 162-

ht/ rick

13 Comments on Mexico Didn’t Send Us Her

  1. Seriously doubt this story or her IQ. Is there anybody in Mexico intelligent enough to gauge IQ? But if it were true, if she could tell the difference between a tort and toast, maybe she could make that shit hole attractive enough so their peasants don’t cross the border looking for my damn hard earned tax dollars to pay for every aspect of their miserable lives. It’s not my fault.

  2. I’d like to have a conversation with her about what’s going to be done to her by all the adults around her. Really. Escape now, before you wind up in a cabin in the woods.

  3. Being good at taking tests doesn’t translate into being life smart or relatable.
    I’m cynical about most everything being pushed by media these days.
    Is this girl going to be promoted and used as the new Elon Musk, who is on the autism spectrum? You know, girl power and all that virtue signaling bulloney.
    Will she end up as the next Greta Thunberg?
    A tool for the left?

  4. There are thousands of people with IQs higher than this in Mexico. IQ does not matter. How you apply yourself does. How you can interact with others is very important. A guy I grew up with a guy who had a higher IQ than this (180s). He is teaching physics at a trade school. He was unable to work for companies due to his inability to interact with others. He can barely tie his shoes. She will find working for modern day NASA is a joke like I did.

  5. IQ tests cannot measure the true intelligence of highly brilliant people because the people who create the tests are just NOT THAT SMART. Once you reach a certain level of intelligence it becomes difficult to impossible to accurately measure it.

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