Miami Declares State of Emergency and Curfew Following Shootings and Brawls On Beach – IOTW Report

Miami Declares State of Emergency and Curfew Following Shootings and Brawls On Beach

We can’t have nice things anymore.

30 Comments on Miami Declares State of Emergency and Curfew Following Shootings and Brawls On Beach

  1. Not only the violence but look at the people that shouldn’t be wearing a bikini. If I didn’t know better I’d think it was filmed in deepest, darkest Africa.

  2. There’s a great write-up of this in today’s always wonderful The Week That Perished at Taki’s Magazine:

    Pierre Rutledge, chair of the Miami-Dade Black Advisory Board, told the Miami Herald that the curfew is just as bad—maybe worse—than the segregationist oppressions of early-1930s Florida. Rutledge told the Herald that in 1936 his grandma had to carry an ID card just to walk along the beach. And today, young black men are being prevented by a racist curfew from murdering each other on that same beach.

    “If you don’t know your history, you’re destined to repeat it,” Rutledge wept. “And it looks like that’s where we’re headed.”

    There’s no difference between 1930s race-based ID cards and a present-day non-race-based curfew enacted to stop an epidemic of blacks shooting blacks.

    Apparently, Rutledge is also chair of the Miami-Dade Drooling Idiots Advisory Board.

    One black spring breaker told the Herald that just because her friends were shooting each other doesn’t mean they should be hit with a curfew.

    “The curfew makes it seem like we’re the problem.”

    Indeed, how very ridiculous to blame violence by black spring breakers on black spring breakers.

    The article has several other sections worth reading.

  3. Remember when Spring Break meant going to the beach, removing most, if not all, of your clothes, drinking excessive amounts of beer, and occasionally getting lucky? The only fights were some semi-wrestling matches between two guys who could hardly stand up?

  4. Back in the 90’s they had “beach party” spring
    break at Galveston Island.Trashed hotels,fights
    and traffic jams.The locals hated it and were
    hostage to their homes….. Ran off all the tourist
    who came to spent $$$.

  5. Had the pleasure of having liberty in Ft Lauderdale in 1974 during Spring break. People ask me what my favorite liberty port was and Fort Lauderdale is the answer. Needless to say none of this garbage was going on then.

  6. I’m hoping that, by some miracle, this situation resolves itself and everyone in South Florida can live peacefully with one another.

    From this Wednesday to next Tuesday.

    After that, the misses and I will be back home in Tennessee. Then I won’t give a dry fart what happens.

  7. I just read this:

    Hard times produce tough men.
    Tough men produce good times.
    Good times produce soft men.
    Soft men produce hard times.

    I hope hard times will produce another crop of tough men. BTW: Where are all the papas with their baby girls partying down in FL? And does anyone have an update on those overdosed West Pointers?

  8. Ignoring the headline, can I assume, based on the extensive vocabulary of the person taking the pic, that this is occurring in Miami?

    On an unrelated note, will the police be sued for racism?

  9. It’s not racist to merely notice that a whole lot of black people have produced documented evidence that they are total garbage sub-humanity who ruin every place they go.


    Gateway Pundit and other media keep describing them that way. Needs to stop.

    I wish somewhere there were an intelligent journalist who would look into who instigated these mobs. They used to do similar gathering and ripping up other resort towns, e.g. Virginia Beach. (I so with Colin Flaherty were still alive.) This did not happen organically or accidentally.

  11. When rules become racist there are no rules.

    Many Blacks feel exempted by Black Privilege from the need to participate by the rules of a normal decent “White” society and so they simply don’t.

    And it’s racist if you do the normal decent thing and call them out on it

    See how that works?

    No wonder they devolve into angry vicious animals when they congregate in large numbers.

    Who is going to stop them from acting like animals?

    One thing I can say bout us Injuns we keep our shit in house.

    If you see a redskin acting out in public 99% of the time it’s a fake Indian, like that duffus harassing Nick Sandmann. Indigenous my ass.

    We don’t all run around in Moccasins either, ironically we prefer cowboy boots.


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