Micah X – “Black Sheep of His Unit” – IOTW Report

Micah X – “Black Sheep of His Unit”

The Dallas shooter was sent home from Afghanistan because he was accused of sexual harassment.


In May 2014, six months into his Afghanistan tour, he was accused of sexual harassment by a female soldier. The Army sent him stateside, recommending an “other than honorable discharge,” said Bradford Glendening, the military lawyer who represented him.

That recommendation was “highly unusual,” Bradford said, since counseling is usually ordered before more drastic steps are taken.

“In his case, it was apparently so egregious, it was not just the act itself,” Glendening told The Associated Press. “I’m sure that this guy was the black sheep of his unit.”

According to a court filing Glendening read over the phone Friday, the victim said she wanted Johnson to “receive mental help,” while also seeking a protective order to keep him away from her and her family, wherever they went. Johnson was ordered to avoid all contact with her.

Glendening said Johnson was set to be removed from the Army in September 2014 because of the incident, but instead got an honorable discharge months later — for reasons he can’t understand.

“Someone really screwed up,” he said. “But to my client’s benefit.”

After Johnson returned from Afghanistan, a friend who served in his platoon told FoxNews.com, “he got in touch with some bad folks and went all Black Panther.”

On Facebook, Johnson “liked” black militant groups including the African American Defense League and the New Black Panther Party, which was founded in Dallas.

His photo showed him wearing a dashiki and raising his fist over the words “Black Power,” and his cover shot carried the red, black and green Pan-African flag.


7 Comments on Micah X – “Black Sheep of His Unit”

  1. The Dallas shooter was sent home from Afghanistan because he was accused of sexual harassment.

    ….but the Afghani goats were too intimidated to make a formal complaint?

  2. The usual comments are coming out now “Loner”, “never saw this coming” etc etc. It’s clear now that this guy had a rage against whites that was exacerbated, perhaps even encouraged by his contact with black hate groups such as the BLM and New Black Panther Party. You remember them, the black thugs dressed in leather jackets intimidating people outside polling stations that the Obama Justice Department decided not to investigate or prosecute for voter intimidation. Anyway, I think it’s safe to say that the trash he came into contact with lit the fuse on this bomb.

  3. When the federal government makes inciting racial hatred it’s number two priority (after promoting Jihad) nothing else is to be expected.

    Dallas does point out how glaringly wrong most conservatives are about abortion though. It should be compulsory in many cases.

  4. @Brian in BC — good question. There is NO transparency in this regime. And the media a fully complicit, of course. In my opinion, there’s no use is trying to figure any part of American gov’t out. The big, red reset button is what it will take. In November.

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