Michael Avenatti Guilty on All Counts in Nike Extortion Trial – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti Guilty on All Counts in Nike Extortion Trial


A jury convicted high-profile lawyer Michael Avenatti on all counts in his Nike extortion trial on Friday.

Prosecutors maintained Avenatti threatened to use his fame to stage a news conference and deliver claims that Nike executives were corrupting college basketball by funding payments to elite young players and their families — unless he was paid millions of dollars to conduct the internal probe himself.

At the time, prosecutors say, Avenatti faced at least $11 million in debts. His former law firm office manager testified that finances were so desperate last March that his several employees had been evicted from their $50,000-a-month offices and were working from their homes.

The verdict comes days after Avenatti’s attorney borrowed Nike’s iconic advertising slogan in a closing argument, saying Avenatti followed a client’s wishes to be in attack mode when he went into a meeting with the apparel giant’s lawyers intending to “Just Do It” for the client.


nbc- The bombastic attorney, who was ordered jailed last month without bail for alleged violations of his release bond, faces a maximum possible sentence of 20 years in prison, although he is likely to get far less time than that.

The Street –

Avenatti’s defense team claimed the lawyer was simply playing hardball with Nike and that his conduct didn’t rise the to the level of being criminal.

The lawyer could be facing a lengthy sentence, up to 42 years according to some reports. 

15 Comments on Michael Avenatti Guilty on All Counts in Nike Extortion Trial

  1. I guess he has something a an interloper To the swamp so he did not get away with his activities as did McCabe, Comey, etc.

    He will also be used as a sacrificial lamb to try and placate us in view of all the people involved in the coup attempt who will get away scott free.

  2. Does this mean that the Creepy Porn Lawyer won’t be available as an accredited CNN reporter at the Democrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Freestuffers Party at the Full Catastrophe Convention in Milwaukee? Oh, the Humanity!

  3. My guess:
    He will lose his law license, will not be allowed to practice law in any state, including Puerto Rico and Guam. Then he’ll serve 7 years but will be out in 3 for ‘good behavior’. 3 years? months? lol

  4. @Petrus

    Imagine a con confronting him, “My family put up their house to pay your fees and I still wound up doing twenty years” You’re going to cell with me bitch!

  5. I still hate Nike and that asshole quarterback whose ass they licked.

    How’s it feel Kaepernick?

    Your old team got to the Superbowl specifically because they got rid of your ass!

    The team that won had a half Black & White quarterback who played football WAYYYY better than you, because Racism!

  6. On CNN every night for a year promising Trump would be in jail, thrown out and his client was going to be his demise. He probably will still get less time than Stone and Manafort.


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