Michael Oher “Blind Sides” Tuohy Family with Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Michael Oher “Blind Sides” Tuohy Family with Lawsuit


Michael Oher, the former NFL tackle known for being the inspiration for the movie “The Blind Side,” filed a petition Monday in a Tennessee probate court accusing Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy of lying to him by having him sign papers making them his conservators rather than his adoptive parents nearly two decades ago.

In the petition filed Monday in Shelby County Probate Court, Oher asks for the conservatorship to be terminated along with asking for a full accounting of the money earned off the use of his name and story. He also asks to be paid what he is due along with interest.

He accuses the Tuohys of enriching themselves at his expense by continuing to “falsely and publicly” represent themselves as his adoptive parents “to the date of the filing of this petition.” More

31 Comments on Michael Oher “Blind Sides” Tuohy Family with Lawsuit

  1. *Caution White liberals with loving families*

    Just like Kaepernick, try and help a black man out and yet you are still a White Supremacist and dead to them after they use you.
    Not only that they will shit all over you for the pleasure.

    Perhaps some people will figure out the common denominator?

  2. It does seem odd. I would need to see more. They brought him into their house as a high school senior, so arguably they could see his pro potential. They sold the rights to the screenplay, cutting him out of profits. They made him sign conservatorship over to them until he was 25.
    That’s what I saw anyway, not 100% sure of everything but it does raise legit flags.

  3. LCD, he couldn’t go to Ole Miss unless he was adopted.
    He was too old to adopt so hence the conservatorship.
    He was explained the entire thing.
    He wasn’t cut out of anything.
    Most family members only made $14,000 each, including Oher.
    The writer of “The Blind Side” got the most money.

    Some Shaprpton type of evil racist White-hating shyster got to him and told him he was robbed by the White devil.
    Simple as that…

  4. Could there have been a very practical reason for a conservatorship?
    I don’t know.
    I know that adopting takes a long time & many challenges.
    Was what happened quicker or easier?

    I’ll hope it was for positive reasons for now.

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine wrote “, he couldn’t go to Ole Miss unless he was adopted.”….WTF does that even mean?…Orphans can’t go to college? PFFFT!….and another beauty..”He was too old to adopt so hence the conservatorship.”….He was 16 when they first entered his life….you can adopt someone at ANY age….PFFFT!…

  6. From Alcom:
    “Michael was obviously living with us for a long time, and the NCAA didn’t like that,” Tuohy said. “They said the only way Michael could go to Ole Miss was if he was actually part of the family. I sat Michael down and told him, ‘If you’re planning to go to Ole Miss — or even considering Ole Miss — we think you have to be part of the family. This would do that, legally.’ We contacted lawyers who had told us that we couldn’t adopt over the age of 18. The only thing we could do was to have a conservatorship. We were so concerned it was on the up-and-up that we made sure the biological mother came to court.”

  7. “Tuohy said the family will end the conservatorship if that is what Oher wants.”

    “We didn’t make any money off the movie,” Tuohy said. “Well, Michael Lewis (the author of the book ‘The Blind Side’) gave us half of his share. Everybody in the family got an equal share, including Michael. It was about $14,000, each.

    “We were never offered money. We never asked for money. My money is well-documented. You can look up how much I sold my company for.”

  8. My initial reaction was to wonder at Mr. Oher’s financial situation now that he’s been retired from the NFL for a while. Second, why file the lawsuit now, he’s known the Tuohy family for over 20 years have the become estranged in recent years? Third, the Tuohy family should have the right to sell their side of the story, it’s not all about Mr. Oher. I imagine this lawsuit will spoil whatever relationship he had with the family for good.

  9. OK Loco…..Quote me some of your Mississippi adoption, college enrollment legal knowledge/requirements….I’ve got receipts.

    Kind of like your FAA knowledge of Trump taking his 757 off in Des Moines….you got nothing…..

  10. Never count on one of *them* to be grateful. He sits on this narrative for decades until his mediocre athletic career is over and he’s pissed all his money away in typical fashion.

  11. One of the bestest feel-good stories of a decade and now it’s just another sad tale of what feels like greed, suspicion and ingratitude. It doesn’t matter that the family who took him in is white, black, or purple. It’s a crying shame.

    If the Toueys are innocent of wrong-doing, I can only imagine how betrayed they must feel.

    I do seem to recall that even the film “Blind Side” explained the conservator versus adoption situation. And, if you go back to the film, Oher was only too quick to believe the Toueys were exploiting him even then. Remember the scene of his character being fairly easy persuaded by the black woman representing some sort of athletic association?

    Why is it that when blacks are exploited by anyone, the exploiter is almost certain to be another black person, and yet here ya go. I detest broad brush generalities, but really.

  12. …follow the money. Did Oher get news of the heirs to the Touey’s wills? Maybe he wasn’t in there. Hmm. Why else would a grown man be up in arms about not being legally adopted and want to effectively end his relationship with them?

  13. I wouldnt call Oher a mediocre NFL player. He started every NFL game he ever played in at either Left Tackle (most important position on the O-line) or Right Tackle (2nd most). He started at LT for Super Bowl champ Ravens in 2012. In 2015, Cam Newton lobbied his GM to sign Oher as a free agent. Panthers went 15-1 that year.

    I watched him a little in the pros. He was exceptional quick off the ball, especially backpedaling to pass protect. He never made a Pro Bowl, but perhaps he should have

    Seems like some Sharpton BLM types have got his ear now. Hes acting like a total ingrate now .. but he had a good career

  14. I did a little digging on this story and the Touey’s (I know I’m not spelling it right) attorney (Singer) said that Oher has tried this before and that when his attys learn the truth of his tale, they’ve quit him. He said that Oher threatened the Toueys that he’d “go public” if they didn’t pay him off — $15M. The Touey’s son, SJ, corroborated that and has the text messages between Oher and his family. Also said that Oher has known for some time that he wasn’t officially adopted, though it should hardly matter anyway, should it?

    Apparently Oher is on a book tour or something and his publicist probably told him to drum up a big story to get his name in the news. Sad.

  15. Side note. The only other time I’ve see the Irish name Tuohy was reading about 1920’s Chicago gangster Roger Tuohy. He crossed Al Capone and Capone framed him, which landed Mr. Tuohy in prison. He was released in 1959 but Capone’s men, or Mafia gunmen, caught up with him shortly after and blasted him away with shotguns.

    Lesson: The Mob never forgets.

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