Michelle Malkin: Astroturfing COVID Agitprop – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Astroturfing COVID Agitprop


Attention, parents: If your children are online, they are being bombarded by an inescapable public relations campaign by all the Bigs—Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Tech—to brainwash them about the COVID vaccine.

While children under 18 remain at the lowest risk of COVID-19, peer pressure to get the experimental jabs is enormous. That groupthink is compounded by relentless messaging from politicians, celebrities and social media influencers posting virtue-signaling photos of themselves flaunting their arm Band-Aids and immunization papers. The playing field is rigged by internet titans who ban all dissenters and label all skepticism as “misinformation” or “conspiracy theory.” It’s mass agitation and propaganda—agitatsiya—that would make the old Soviet Marxists proud. more here

6 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Astroturfing COVID Agitprop

  1. I’m reading where it’s not necessarily mandatory everywhere to show ID to get the covid jab, or show proof of insurance…because that would be Jim Crow, I reckon. If this is true, how are they going to do jab passports?

  2. ….keep in mind there have been NO teratogenic studies, NO mutanagenic studies, and NO gestational studies, so this may give your kids cancer, wreck their growth, and cause them to have mentally and/or physically damaged babies with flippers for limbs because of COMPLETELY unstudied short and long term effects, think Thalidomide and think about it HARD before subjecting your kids to an experimental non-vaccine for a disease that, statistically, isn’t even a danger to them…



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