Michelle Obama’s Poor Trait – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama’s Poor Trait

Who the heck is this?

74 Comments on Michelle Obama’s Poor Trait

  1. She must have the longest arms in the world, does her hands reach the floor when she walks? Also, the artist she chose has painted black wimmin holding the decapitated heads of white ladies.

  2. That whole painting is awfully white. On top of that, portrait oil paintings have a European origin.

    Barky and Big Maw should have protraits made of bits of tree bark, nuts, and dried berries and glued to water buffalo hides with adhesive made from mashed termite larvae.

  3. Looks like a middle schooler painted it.
    I went to the painter’s web site.
    She is another one who only paints black people.
    It looks like she uses maybe three faces and just adds or takes away weight and puts different hair on them.
    They’re all terrible.

    Shelly O’s painting reminds me of the bad clothing choices she made for 8 yrs.
    The scowl is the only thing that the painter got right.

  4. Moe Tom, Well how would you look if you stopped to take a crap in the woods and the artist accompanying you suddenly shouted out “that’s it! Perfect! Hold that pose!”

  5. LOL! The “artist” was really going for Beyonce aka “Bouncy” Knowles. Wow, really bad work.
    That skirt’s certainly big enough to hide Sasquatch’s forage treasures and the sepia tone does capture her species coat colors. The worst First Lady portrait ever, due to the artist and subject.

  6. This artist is racist! She must think that all black people look the same so she can just throw down a random “black” woman and we’ll all fall for it. Just wait ’till the Wokie rips her arms off!

  7. It’s an underpainting!It’s the color you lay down when deciding the color scheme before you go ahead and actually start painting painting.

    Is this Meechell’s stunt double?

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