Michelle Touts Importance of Diversity in America at Iranian New Year Celebration – IOTW Report

Michelle Touts Importance of Diversity in America at Iranian New Year Celebration

So, if we go by the other calendar is the Obama era over? I’m all for that sort of diversity.


First lady Michelle Obama said Wednesday at an event honoring the Iranian New Year that, at a time of “hateful rhetoric,” it’s important for Americans to remember the valuable role that diversity plays in this country.

For the second year, the White House hosted a Nowruz festival. The first year came in the midst of U.S.-led multilateral negotiations regarding the nuclear deal with Iran.

First lady Michelle Obama (Image . (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

“When Barack and I first got here, we committed to opening this place up to as many people from as many different backgrounds as possible — especially folks who have never been through these doors before,” the first lady told the crowd. She added, “We think America is strongest when we recognize our many traditions, when we celebrate our diversity and we lift each other up.”

She did not become overtly political. However, her husband President Barack Obama and other White House officials have criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for rhetoric directed at immigrants and Muslims.


23 Comments on Michelle Touts Importance of Diversity in America at Iranian New Year Celebration

  1. Hey Michael, Fcuk your Iranian goat fcukers!

    With luck, you’ll get a clitorectomy on this all important day. Wait, your penis has already been filleted?

    Carry on.

  2. There’s something perverted about using the word diversity to describe it when you use superficial characteristics to assign group labels to people and them condemn those who show any signs of individualism and unwillingness to act out the role mandated by the group “identity”.

  3. “… and we lift each other up …”

    How come ALL the heavy lifting is being done by the middle income people? The fucking parasites, in both the far upper and far lower strata of the economic universe, contribute absolutely nothing!

    Fuck diversity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Leftists encourage people to form tribes, then pit the various tribes against one another. They reject the “melting pot” approach of our established culture… a culture created by white people to include immigrants in the American Dream. It’s divide and conquer for the leftists, and they’ve done a good job of it. My “tribe” consists of people who aspire to better themselves and the country. To hell with anyone who doesn’t.

  5. Remember…

    Diversity isn’t important in Asia…

    Diversity isn’t important in Africa…

    Diversity isn’t important in Latin America…

    Diversity is only important where the majority of people are whites, Christians, or Jews.

  6. This is a REALLY interesting show of both “dividing” and “conflation”.
    The conflation comes in because any Iranians celebrating Nowruz are the Persian ex-pats and Persian Iranians defying the Arab Islamic mullahs. Nowruz is a Persian Zoroastrian holiday. And yet here we have Moochelle urging celebration as if it were an Islamic Iranian holiday (like Eid?).

    And the dividing comes in when we are scolded by the Royal Couple for being Bad People if we don’t accept diversity and Iranian Islamic goat shaggers.

  7. “Americans to remember the valuable role that diversity plays in this country”

    which is not like the role of racist taxpaying Americans which are being shot, raped and run over by those silly diverse illegal immigrants and goat humping muslims while supporting them.

  8. Barry and Mooch will do anything to keep their communist agenda front and center. They continue to elevate antagonistic foreign cultures, deities and policies in order to corrode the foundations of this nation.

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