Michigan city, Hamtramck, is the first in country to have majority Muslim council – IOTW Report

Michigan city, Hamtramck, is the first in country to have majority Muslim council

Their first order of business is to remove “Ham” from the city’s name.

Good luck Michigan! Lililiiiiliiilililiiliililillilililililililiilililililillilllllllililiilililililillllllllilililiilililillllllllil.

Get used to the Call to Prayer, the most beautiful sound Barack Obama has ever heard.

ht. Rob E.


14 Comments on Michigan city, Hamtramck, is the first in country to have majority Muslim council

  1. I only know Hamtramck from my Larry Wilde Polish Joke Book I somehow convinced my mom to buy me at the tender age of 10 back in 1984, but I figured that if it was the city that was tue butt of so many jokes about Poles, there must have been a LOT of them livingn there back then. I see that things have changed quite a bit in the last 3 decades.

  2. How do they know who’s present at the council meetings if they are all wearing burkas?…….”OK…I’ve got two sack O’ potatoes for and one cummerbund of Avocados against…any motions from the two chess pieces to me left?….sorry, hefty bags to me left”…

  3. Google school district in the states, you will see many cultural controlled towns. Majority rules. Because we all flead, if a neighborhood lost jobs, a person of any of ethnicity moved in, or we made a little more money. Because, we were not humble.

  4. “Anim Miah”? Is that Filthy Moslem Savage talk for “ENEMY”?

    Jeebus, these Filthy Moslem Savages are getting bolder and bolder. He’s telling us outright that he’s the enemy. No taqqiya for this dude.

  5. They retired and moved to Posen MI.
    You used to be able to get the best sausages in Hamtramck. Life in Detroit during the 70’s was an awesome experience. DEEtroit was Rock City then.

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