Michigan Lawmakers Consider Move to Reign In Frau Whitmer – IOTW Report

Michigan Lawmakers Consider Move to Reign In Frau Whitmer

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Lawmakers in Michigan are considering bills that would strip Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of some of her powers after her decision to extend  Michigan’s stay-at-home order for two weeks beyond its original April 30 expiration  The Wolverine State has been rocked by protests and unrest for weeks over the restrictive measures, with some state lawmakers calling a special legislative session on Friday to reel in the Frau Whitmer. Armed protesters descended on the governor’s home Thursday after news of the extended order broke in a demonstration dubbed “Operation Queen’s Castle.”

Critics have accused the 48-year-old first-term Democrat governor of overstepping her authority with a series of measures.  The April 9 revisions to her initial stay-at-home order included bans on visiting friends and relatives or traveling to vacation homes, and halts on sales of items such as furniture and gardening supplies. But marijuana, lottery tickets and alcohol had been declared “essential,” while lawn care, construction and fishing in a motorized boat had been declared nonessential amid the outbreak. more

13 Comments on Michigan Lawmakers Consider Move to Reign In Frau Whitmer

  1. What’s there to consider? Why are the elected officials always thinking about or considering doing something about unconstitutional acts committed by one of their fellow politicians…..

    Oh… I think I just answered my own question.

  2. @CC:

    Why mention her age?

    Maybe to let us know that she’s not acting this way because of progressive dementia (as distinct from prog dementia), but rather that she’s been fscked up in the head since birth.

  3. Tctsunami is correct. Her campaign promise to “fix the damn roads” was laughable. A Democrat actually working? Keeping one of their campaign promises? HA

    I emailed and called my state senator and rep and told them they MUST do something. My two sisters also contacted them. The Republicans hold the majority, and I pray that it’s enough to override her veto. Many businesses won’t survive until May 15th.

    In my county, the sheriff said that they will not comply with her ridiculous orders and will not ticket or arrest those who want to break house arrest. I have been seeing businesses opening up, so we are NOT just letting her highness have her way.

    And there are many stores that are selling contraband (gardening supplies, furniture and home improvement products). We are not sitting this out. That’s why, as the article says, “Armed protesters descended on the governor’s home Thursday”. I wouldn’t be surprised that torches, pitchforks and rope may be present and the next protest.


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