Migrant Family Finds Russians Not So Welcoming – IOTW Report

Migrant Family Finds Russians Not So Welcoming

Stuck in the Moscow airport for 40 days, an Iraqi Kurdish family has been stopped cold in the terminal from entering Russia to claim asylum.

Russian airport security
Taking up residence in a smoking room, the family of four is stuck in limbo with no way to go back and the Russians are accusing them of having forged passports.



13 Comments on Migrant Family Finds Russians Not So Welcoming

  1. Yes Brad it is a weird fucking hat. I have one with a red star on it. My son got it when stationed in Germany. He told me he didn’t remember how he got it but he said he was drunk one night and ended up with it. WTF. I understand. I got an Italian Alpine Soldiers Hat the same way.. Ah , the good old days.

    METS 4 KC 3 Bottom of the 8th

  2. Good for Russia. People respond to incentives. Europe and the US need to learn from this.

    Until there’s an element of difficulty, inconvenience, REAL scrutiny and discomfort brought into this whole “refugee” (i.e. economic opportunist) equation, they’re just going to keep coming and coming, and scamming and undermining Western societies.

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