Migrants must learn German or lose benefits under new integration laws – IOTW Report

Migrants must learn German or lose benefits under new integration laws


Germany is facing a massive integration challenge after more than 1.1 million asylum-seekers arrived under Mrs Merkel’s “open-door” refugee policy.

While many will eventually have their asylum claims rejected, hundreds of thousands are expected to be allowed to remain. Mrs Merkel described the new laws as “an opportunity for all, but also a duty for all”.

Migrants who worked as teachers in their home countries take part in a programme to educate them for German schools at Potsdam University
Migrants who worked as teachers in their home countries take part in a programme to educate them for German schools at Potsdam University 

“We will have a German national law on integration. This is the first time this has happened in post-war Germany,” Mrs Merkel told a press conference in Berlin. “We will take a series of measures which make it clear it is a duty to integrate.”


9 Comments on Migrants must learn German or lose benefits under new integration laws

  1. BINGO! In the USA:

    “The Citadel is considering a request from an admitted student that she be allowed to wear a hijab in keeping with her Muslim faith, a move that would be an unprecedented exception to the school’s longstanding uniform requirements.”

  2. They might want to force them to learn to use toilet paper and to wash their hands with soap after using the toilet, too.

    If the Germans went sane, they might try to get the muslims to cut back on the murdering, raping, goat-fucking, pedophilia, incest, and female genital mutilation.

    Or they could deport all of them, and maybe check in on them again in 10,000 generations or so, to see if they have finally developed into something resembling human standards of conduct.

  3. Does anybody think Merkel will really enforce that? I call BS. If all the invaders (that’s what they are) are required to learn German to stay, then VERY few of them will qualify to stay. History shows that Muslims don’t want to assimilate. Their mission is to dominate and conquer.

  4. What the hell is wrong with the Germans? They should be expelling everyone remotely connected to islam. Merkel should be tried for treason and expelled along with her pals to the middle east. Put sausage and ham back in every school, restaurant and institution as if the rag heads never showed up in the first place.

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