Elizabeth Warren went on an angry rant where she claimed the majority of voters voted for the left, in both the presidential race and the senate races, completely ignoring that the republicans nearly have an across-the-board monopoly of every branch of government nationally and state. She said they weren’t going to lay down and whimper at the feet of the duly elected representatives.
This probably fires up the angry base, but it’s too hypocritical for Mika’s liking. She says she remembers the left scolding the right for being an impediment, on day 1, to Obama’s agenda. The “party of no” was a label that the left felt was the worst one that could be slapped on the right. Now they are wearing it…proudly.
Mika says Warren sounds, shrill and unhinged.
Wow, those Scarborough beef injections will turn her into a left-of-center republican before inauguration day.
ht/ jerry manderin
This one was priceless too. Morning Joe’s beginning to be more fair and balanced than those other guys.
“Beef injections.”
Oh man. I don’t think I’ve heard that term since high school! LOL!
And Warren is a BULLY. And a BITCH to boot!
Is he really f’n her?
Warren is just channeling her inner Cherokee warrior princess ideology.
Speaking of which, Mark Steyn was on FBN Varney yesterday mocking her claim of 1/36 Indian heritage. He said she’s whiter than frosty the snowman falling into a vat of white out.
@jim. Who isn’t?
Is it wrong for me to announce that I think Mika is kinda sexy during a rant?
She does have nice boobs…I think…. I have not seen her in a bikini in some British rag that body shames women. Anybody have a link to Mika in a bikini?
@bman @menderman.
Go to your bunks.
Mika has gotten way hotter late in life.
She used to look matronly and frumpy.
Since her eating disorder she’s gotten sorta, kinda hot, in a Nazi prison guard sorta way.
hey mika, fuck you, and not in the fun way, no thanks
bfh, sober up
I realize that you’re the commanding officer here, but it might be bunk time for you too. Hahaha.
“Mika has gotten way hotter late in life.”
Technical meaning: She’s a MILF
Ok. Y’all convinced me. I’m headed to my bunk.
” in a Nazi prison guard sorta way.”
Oh baby. Beat me whip me make me write bad checks. I’m with you Fury one, she hot.
Joe looks good holding the parakeet picture and doing the mannequin challenge
You had to mention the Nazi thang.
I’d let her be meine kleine prisoner.
But unlike Schultz I would need to see, evertyhink!
Is going blind guys. Next thing you know he’ll be taking three foot gimmes.
Mika called Hillary out very early in the email controversy, but she went all out to discredit Trump in his primary run. She took a lot off Trump, and if Joe wasn’t holding her back, she would have gone all feminazi on him. She only seems moderate on that show, because it’s so over stacked with liberals. It has been fun watching them eat crow since the election.
Mika and Joe-Joe? Eww, which one of them has the dick? Both?
How do you find these pictures? Taken at just the right or wrong moment.
And we all know the old saying about what will make you go blind. Geez.