Mike Lindell Presents: Scientific Proof, 3-31-21 – IOTW Report

Mike Lindell Presents: Scientific Proof, 3-31-21

This is a ‘short’ 55-minute video with data collected and verified by Douglas G. Frank. Mike is filming a new documentary to be released in a few weeks regarding the voter fraud/foreign interference proof. He wants this information out now to show what the Dominion and other voting software did during that ‘pause’ in vote tallying. Dr. Frank started with just a few states and soon realized that the same algorithm was used nationally, and has statistical proof along with graphs to show us just what made him dig into the data.

Pay attention starting about 28:00 for a very interesting finding.


14 Comments on Mike Lindell Presents: Scientific Proof, 3-31-21

  1. This will go down in history like the OJ trial.
    Many didn’t pay attention to the evidence or didn’t want to believe a rich successful athlete could commit a double murder.
    As time passed the whole world knows the asshole got away with murder and now lives in Las Vegas.
    He should be shunned by everyone but sadly is not.

    As time passes THE WHOLE WORLD will know that biden* was never elected and was cheated into office.
    The old fool will die an old fool.

  2. Just watched the whole video. Keep the proof coming Mike. We all have a right to know the truth. Joe Biden and the Democrat party will become synonymous with “MUD”.
    The truth will set you free

  3. Picture the SCOTUS justices whenever they appear in public, in their fancy robes that they design for themselves, all proud and righteous and TOTALLY WORTHLESS.

    Patriotic Americans should literally throw steaming dogshit at their heads!

    All those dramatic trials to get them each appointed to such an important position and THEY BECLOWNED THEMSELVES. Shysters.

    May they each choke on their next pretzel.

  4. I like Mike and appreciate all that he is doing…. a yeoman’s job indeed. Whether or not all of this comes to something is yet to be seen, but it is causing people who believe bidet “won” the election to rethink their position.

  5. No one else is doing anything about the election fraud so why not Mike Lindell? He’s a true patriot that’s not sitting around on his ass like the rest of us.


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