Mike Lindell’s New Social Media Platform “Frank” Will Be Able To Hold Over 1 Billion Users – IOTW Report

Mike Lindell’s New Social Media Platform “Frank” Will Be Able To Hold Over 1 Billion Users


So by now, most of you have heard that President Trump is in the process of creating a social media platform and now the CEO of my Pillow is in the process of creating one too.

Mike Lindell’s announced in an interview on The Eric Metaxas Show that his new social media platform called “Frank” will be launching within the next two weeks.

According to Lindell his new platform will be able to hold over 1 billion users and will be similar to Twitter and Youtube but will not censor users like Twitter and Youtube.

He went on to say that users who are kicked off Youtube will receive a special kind of “bonus”. more

15 Comments on Mike Lindell’s New Social Media Platform “Frank” Will Be Able To Hold Over 1 Billion Users

  1. ” … over 1 billion users and will be similar to Twitter and Youtube but will not censor users like Twitter and Youtube.”

    Being able to hold that many isn’t the same as having them.

    So far everything has failed to attract a widespread enough audience that it could actually compete with Twitter or YouTube.

    I wonder what his marketing plan will be.

  2. The one crucial thing Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook have going for them is that they are essentially the only one that people flock to. I see some movement to Rumble for video, right now there are so many competing that none of them will get big numbers.
    Until Trump endorses one, signaling which we should use.

  3. Tweet, FB and Youboob got in on the ground floor before anyone saw that they were pure evil with ruling the world as their goal.
    Hopefully enough people are awake now to realize they were duped.

  4. Pillow guy will be lucky if enough people join to cover operating costs.
    Truth is censorship is everywhere, including his site, mark my words.
    Right now in his mental state, he’ll be attracting people who should be locked up, whats that coffvee, Chock Full of Nuts.

  5. Right now, there are several TFY (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) variants out there. Some are better than others, so I look forward to seeing what happens with Mike’s Frank Speech. I have been using, besides Twitter, Spreely (I heard about this one from Joe Dan Gorman), Gab and Parler. Right now, Gab is the most stable, but I like elements of Spreely a lot.

    They all should shake down to solid competitors to TFY as they learn from their mistakes and input from users.

    Then, when President Trump finally releases his version and/or chooses one of the current ones, we will see a massive exodus from TFY. I will be very pleased to watch them go bankrupt.

  6. Yeah, and David Hogg’s competing pillow company lasted all of about three months, if that. Although, Lindell has more money and investor name recognition to cover the start-up costs and operating losses for however many years.

    Still, it’s a long shot, and possibly just a publicity stunt.

  7. My sister ordered his sheets, two sets for one price. We split the cost and they just arrived yesterday; one week early.

    He is a serious businessman. His work that he has paid for in digging into the stolen election is more than anything any Republican in congress or elsewhere has done.

    This is not a publicity stunt, nor is it a useless gesture.

    You may think he is a dufus and will only attract nut cases, but you highly underestimate his passion to see honesty and goodness prevail. Call that foolish, but you will be wrong.

    BTW, God uses people who are not perfect. That saying, “God helps those who help themselves” is nowhere in scripture. In fact, it’s just the opposite. He uses the weak and broken people to accomplish his will. All of the heroes of Scripture were flawed humans; Abraham was a liar, David was a murderer, Sampson was a womanizer, etc.

    Don’t count out God to use Mike for his purposes.

  8. “If we can watch videos without logging in, it will compete with youtube”

    I never have any problem with watching the YouTube video’s I want to watch without logging in (I’m not registered with them) even if I usually have to close a few popups encouraging me to.

    What kind of video’s are you trying to watch there? The age restricted ones and such?

  9. Claudia, I was not commenting on his character. I was commenting on the high hurdle for success. It IS high. Especially since he has no IT background.

    Andrew Torba came from silicon valley, which enabled him to overcome the technical issues of creating Gab. His issue has always been attracting funding. Trump has no technical background, but he has substantially more money than Lindell.

    Maybe God will use him for a greater purpose, but please don’t read more into my comment than was there.

  10. They haven’t tried it yet, but the Masters of the Internet can block “seditious” services by blocking access to the internet backbone and individual ISPs.

    The cancel crowd can still target anyone who uses “seditious” services. There is also the banking and finance angle, as well as boycotts and embargoes of individuals, businesses and institutions that do not swear fealty to the revolution.

    They have the complete support of the current regime, so it will happen.


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