Military Ballots Found In Dumpster – IOTW Report

Military Ballots Found In Dumpster

ht/ mel

14 Comments on Military Ballots Found In Dumpster

  1. This, I knew was comming.

    It is too easy for people to know that military votes are going to be for Trump.

    Good luck people. It’s uphill against all of the Fraud.

  2. This just makes me sick. Why don’t they have armed guards from each military branch deliver the ballots to the polling place and stand there watching them be counted?

    Who would dare cheat with a very large and scary-looking man scowling down at you from seven feet above? Maybe have two or three of them and one will be carrying a VERY large scary GUN! Oh, heck; let them all be carrying VERY large scary GUNS!

  3. Finger prints, please. Easy enough to do. We’ve got this nifty thing called a security clearance and anyone who has one has fingerprints on file in that other nifty thing called a database. Certainly important enough to do. Also, find the pathway from service member to dumpster. Who carried them — leave no stone unturned. Someone was tasked with the initial pick-up and someone(s) took possession of them along the way.

  4. Jimmy
    NOVEMBER 7, 2020 AT 1:00 AM
    “And they’re not happy right now, Eugenia. I’m a military Dad and I stay in touch.”

    …but the military and police are creatures of duty, I know how that is. It would take a powerful force to have them disrupt the illegitimate Harris government, and we’ve seen where even when taking bodily harm and being attacked by people who want them dead that they continue to serve people who ALSO want them destroyed and will sell them out at earliest opportunity…because that’s what their duty says they should do.

    Sometimes, there seems to be such a thing as too honorable.

    All of which is to say that I’m not sure that the military not being happy can translate into effective action from the military, even in the face of an election stolen by foreign powers, because such honorable people as soldiers have a very high bar to clear before they can refuse seemingly legal orders and depose illegal governments that all the media claims are legit. I myself may have a decision to make if the situation continues to devolve as I am in a military support role and I’m not sure I can ethically continue in it if the Harris Administration uses the political generals Obama installed and President Trump failed to remove to order the military to oppress my people, my family, and myself in the name of the political re-education they have ALREADY threatened with their “Truth And Reconciliation Commission”, which is one of the most Communist AND Orwellian sounding things EVER, which I do not doubt it WILL be.

    ….God Bless your son and his cohort, and thank him for his service.

    But I fear he’s going to have some very, very hard choices to make in the coming days and months that no American soldier should EVER have to make.

    May the Lord cover him and help he and all those he serves with, do the right thing when the time comes.

    God Bless,

  5. The last remaining vets of the greatest generation who served in World War 2 are wondering what the hell has happened to their beloved country that they fought fought and died for in beating the Nazis and the Japs overwhelmingly. Next come the forgotten all older Korean war vets and finally all of the Vietnam vets (the youngest of which are in their mid to late now) including my self who fought for a lost cause against communism and were betrayed by the democraps in allowing Vietnam to be overrun and taken over by the commies. All veterans will not take this lightly, I sure as hell won’t.

  6. F.D.R. in Hell , I’m not so sure they didn’t cheat in 2016 either, it’s just they miscalculated and that 3% switch of votes wasn’t enough.
    So I think the deal is this year they upped the switch to 6% when they started looking at mail in voting numbers and in the wee hours of the morning they realized it wasn’t going to be enough either, so they started scrambling.

  7. And not approved by Norman Vincent Peale author of How To Influence Gullible American People And Steal the 2020 Presidential Election. I hate the power of positive thinking malarkey, never did like like it because it substitutes mans power for God’s power over how we think about things. Nor Dale Carnegie, who was full of hot air and BS as well. WIN used to stand for Whip Inflation Now under President Ford now it stands for Whip Idiots Now.


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