Military Members With Natural Immunity File Class Action Lawsuit to Block Mandates – IOTW Report

Military Members With Natural Immunity File Class Action Lawsuit to Block Mandates

RedVoiceMedia: In mid-August, two active duty military members filed a lawsuit against three heads of US agencies over the mandate for COVID-19 vaccination for all military members.

Dan Robert, a Staff Sergeant with the United States Army and Hollie Mulvihill, a Staff Sergeant with the United States Marine Corp, filed the suit representing “other similarly situated individuals” on August 17. Those “other” individuals amount to 220,000 active service members, according to the lawsuit. more

5 Comments on Military Members With Natural Immunity File Class Action Lawsuit to Block Mandates

  1. @Brad – “…What’s a fucked up piece of shit like Austin doing in our military let alone leading it…”

    That’s a rhetorical question, right?

    I mean, we all know the answer.

  2. Brae

    Can you name the leftist President who gave him his flag? and then added stars to it.

    HinT: ROP

    That is why he is ‘Sec Def. DEEP STATE. aka. UNIPARTY!

    I said 20 years ago his only qualification for a flag was his hatred of Ronny! I stand by my words.

  3. Brae

    Can you name the leftist President who gave him his flag? and then added stars to it.

    HinT: ROP

    That is why he is ‘Sec Def. DEEP STATE. aka. UNIPARTY!

    I said 20 years ago his only qualification for a flag was his hatred of Ronny! I stand by my words.

  4. As a vet, I don’t think anyone, vet or other should be part of an experimental treatment that is forced on you. There are too many unknown facts and too many hidden ones and too many twisted ones.


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