Milo Responds: Here’s The Real Reason Glenn Beck Just Called Me a 13-Year-Old – IOTW Report

Milo Responds: Here’s The Real Reason Glenn Beck Just Called Me a 13-Year-Old

Breitbart: I am honored. Glenn Beck, the Cheetos Duke himself, has specifically called me out. I guess Beck needed a break from a holiday weekend of reviewing The Blaze’s dire traffic numbers.

In an article on his website and then in a post on Facebook, Beck accused me of being “cold and distant from any feelings of compassion and basic kindness” and “causing hurt.”

Beck has no real reason to wade in to this debate. The real reason he is attacking me in his trademark pathetic way is that I recently revealed just how parlous the financial state of his outlet The Blaze is, in my own Facebook post a week ago.

My spies tell me that The Blaze is desperately seeking a cash injection to stay afloat, and that if it doesn’t get investment in the next couple of weeks it’s all over. The company was looking at a DIP loan last week, which is only ever used in cases of significant financial distress, when other options are exhausted. I can’t imagine who’d buy the company now, especially since all the big editorial talents are gone. Last significant person to jump ship was Jason Howerton, whom I rate highly and who was, I am told, almost single-handedly responsible for the success of the written content on the site. What is left, at this point, to acquire?

That’s why Beck is mad —I’m the only one talking openly about the rumors dogging his failing empire, because I have balls — and better sources (and hair) than any of his dire, fulminating hosts. Whom nobody watches.

Read the comments on that posting, you’ll find them full of former Beck fans puzzled over his turn to the dark side.

I’m honestly anticipating him pulling a crazy stunt aimed at me along the lines of his Cheetos mask, but it would require a really good quality wig, and I don’t know if he can afford that right now.  MORE

31 Comments on Milo Responds: Here’s The Real Reason Glenn Beck Just Called Me a 13-Year-Old

  1. Yeah, Glenn used to be funny then he became unfunny, all the while maintaining the shallowness of an AM radio disc jockey. So, now he’s sucking up to Zuckerberg? Where are his in-your-face principles?

  2. The avowed, our and proud sodomite is correct here:

    “…a mask of opportunistic Christian rhetoric (which never fools REAL Christian conservatives)”

    True. Many in right wing media wear this same mask, not just the deluded fraud Beck. But the worst part of that is, most professing Christians can never spot the mask. That it takes a God hating homosexual to notice shows how low society has sunk.

  3. I enjoyed him until he went #NeverTrump. Then I just turned the dial to another station for my morning drive to work. See how easy that was? And how easy it is to become irrelevant? If I could offer Mr Beck a word of advice, it would be, “Never go full retard”.

  4. Glenn Beck used to be entertaining–but then his unrelenting drumbeat of doom and gloom just became tedious to listen to. His financial problems are all his own, he destroyed his own product when he became so self-righteous and dark. The #NeverTrump nonsense is just accelerating his failure.

  5. Beck reminds me of another hugely talented nut job that went bonkers and disappeared. Jay Diamond was a guy on NY talk radio, 770 WABC, in the early 90s.

    He got noticed and his break as a caller to the legendary Bob Grant show. He would call in as Mario Cuomo, Al Sharpton, and a few other impressions and became so popular he became a guest host and then got his own show.

    He was extremely gifted, funny, very articulate, and conservative. Until some politics at WABC and infighting made him snap. He went bonkers at a time WABC was on a run as a conservative powerhouse in talk radio. He couldn’t deal with it and started to take out his anger by appealing to the leftys, hoping to find a new home and become a king again. He turned full radical left in short order.

    He bounced around for a short while on crappy local lib stations and then just disappeared completely. He became a miserable hater and an obvious phony. Too bad because he was truly gifted.

  6. @bob_annon got into a twitter spat the other day with some nutjob supposed “conservative” who got butthurt by the snarky @bob_annon twitter bashing of Glenn Beck. Funny. I think it was a paid shill but, whatever, I’m sure there are atheist conservative Trump hating Glenn Beck listeners… Right?

  7. Beck is one to talk about causing hurt. Even back a few years ago when I would occasionally listen to his show they were extremely cutting and loved to belittle people. More-on trivia anyone? Beck has long been a hypocrite. Preaching love as the way out of the country’s dire straits and then being an insulting douche the day after to anyone who doesn’t look at him as the current day messiah.
    M.Brown….I remember Jay Diamond. We got him on some local station here in Maine years ago. He was quite popular for a while.

  8. Beck is a Mormon. He is not a Christian, he is a cultist. Mormons have been deceived by the Father of Lies so it is no surprise that he is unstable, truth is not in him.

    Look up the strangeness of this cult, a lot of really weird unbiblical kaka is espoused. For an excellent treatise on cults such as Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, etc., read “Kingdom of the Cults” by Dr. Walter Martin.

  9. Sig, as a Mormon, I take umbrage at your idiotic statement.
    Perhaps it’s you that have been deceived
    But no matter,
    Beck is an ass, pure and simple.
    He got fame and it corrupted his thinking and now he’s full of hubris.
    I hope he ends up selling cars for a living.

  10. Right, remember when old Glenn was tooling around as a hyper-conservative and Georgie Soros beat him like a rug. He now has no other choice than to join the left in order to continue his gravy train!

  11. AWD – look at the design of the ark, design tested and modeled by nautical engineers and it is one of the most stable water-born platforms ever developed. Also the largest built until the late 1800’s.

    Lazlo – sorry to hear that. But the Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible on so many things. Christ warned against that and you ignore those warnings at your own peril. Please, please read that book I commented about; Dr. Martin is (was) an expert/

  12. I’ve heard Beck belittle and make fun of his callers who were trying to ask a question. Not in a funny way or sarcastic way. He was just being an asshole. I guess he feels powerful knowing he’s not in the same room with the callers, he can’t see their faces and he has could always hang up on them.

  13. SIG 94

    Which Bible version and which translation do you claim as infallible and how does your expert stand up against all the multi-thousands of so-called self-proclaimed Bible experts! (Ps: John said don’t add to his book which was written well before all the current versions of the Bible came into being started first by a fiat of the king and the group he assembled to assemble the books of the Bible!)

  14. sig94, you said “AWD – look at the design of the ark, design tested and modeled by nautical engineers and it is one of the most stable water-born platforms ever developed. Also the largest built until the late 1800’s.”

    So you’re saying the original ark has been located? Or blueprints/designs? Awesome!! Proof, please.

    And you also believe that there is a single boat ever built that can hold every male and female animal on Earth? It’s estimated there are over 1.2 million species of animals on the planet and 10,000 more are discovered each year. That’s over 2.4 million animals on the ark and growing!

    And the logistics of getting all the various animal species from their homes to the ark before the flood? And feeding and caring them on the boat for 40 days and nights? Probably got pretty messy! Just the elephants alone!

    You see, some of that Bible stuff can sound just as unbelievable as some of the religions and their beliefs with whom you don’t agree. And, although I’ve never heard or seen a Mormon bash other religions the way they are bashed over Glenn Beck, I would imagine Mormons think your beliefs (whatever they are) are just as bat-shit crazy as you do theirs. But, as mentioned, I’m pretty sure Mormons also believe Noah put 2.4 million animals in a boat.

    Call me a religious skeptic. (Is that worse than a Mormon?)


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