Minneapolis Begins Amplified Muslim Call to Prayer Five Times Daily – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Begins Amplified Muslim Call to Prayer Five Times Daily

Star Tribune

Minneapolis on Thursday became the first major American city to permit unfettered broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer, allowing the adhan to be heard over speakers five times a day, year-round.

The Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously to amend the city’s noise ordinance, which had prevented some morning and evening calls at certain times of the year because they occurred at times of the day when tighter noise restrictions are in place. More

37 Comments on Minneapolis Begins Amplified Muslim Call to Prayer Five Times Daily

  1. But not too loud on Tuesdays. That’s when Allah takes his afternoon nap so the believers can molest boys and rape goats.

    Salami anally.

  2. Time to break out the scoped hunting rifles and play “Duck, Duck, Speaker”
    (but like all good hunting expeditions, camouflage for the terrain, shoot-&-scoot)

  3. I wonder if the muzzies would have conniption fits if the Christian/Catholics rang their cathedral bells morning & evening – especially during Christmas and other High Holy Holidays?

  4. Lance,
    Yes, fire up the pork BBQ….in a parking lot next door to the mosque.
    “I’m trying out a new recipe. Free samples”

  5. To answer my own question, it’s because people are afraid of muslims.
    Perhaps Christians could take a chapter from the quran regarding their enemies.
    Hell, the Bible has plenty for that as well.

    Once Christians start fighting back harder then shit might be equalized.
    As for now, not happening.
    Nothing happened after the Waukesha parade…

  6. Minneapolis, finding new ways never tried by the left before to destroy their own city. I can only imagine at the collapse of real estate values of the homes within ear shot of this daily noise pollution.

  7. Don’t know if retaliating by blasting the old Cure song “Killing an Arab” would work or not. I think in that area there are mostly afro-goatfuckers.

  8. @Brad
    Greta’s musicians can play some pretty good old style rock, but the lead vocalist on some of their songs sounds like a deranged, angry, satan possessed bitch. Those give me flashbacks of my ex wife.

  9. whenever you hear their call to prayer, stand up, face due North, and as loud as you can recite the Lord’s Prayer. if you’re Roman Catholic, follow it with an equally loud Hail Mary.

    if you’re Jewish, find out which way is Jerusalem, face that way, and loudly recite the Shema, “Hear oh Israel the Lord thy God is one Lord….”

  10. Geeknerd,
    Good counter-attack.
    And if they attack you for it, yell at them for being “bigoted”, “anti-(insert religion of choice)”.
    Press your attack, never retreat.

  11. “”The Constitution doesn’t sleep at night,” said Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)…”

    so I guess that means JW’s can knock on muslim’s doors at 3 AM, and that is also fine?
    why is such a thing even necessary? In this day, everyone has cell phones, and they could get a notice on that. There is no need for everyone to have to hear that, whether it be good, bad or otherwise. Next, the church(?) of satan will be getting into the act, alerting for abortion festivals.
    I feel sorry for people that work the 3rd shift, and are trying to sleep.
    And, hey, while we’re here- I still want to know where george floyd got the counterfeit 20 dollar bill

  12. That Minnesota Viking Horn Going Off every FKN Play during their home games now has Competition for Most Irritating sound in Min.

    Can’t watch the Vikings or the Broncos for the same reason. (horse sound)

  13. My dad is spinning in his grave. Even though he left as soon as he could, it was still his hometown. He couldn’t take the cold. He was a skinny, malnourished kid without a decent coat or boots so it’s understandable the harsh weather was so hard on him. He lied about his age to fight in WW2, it would make his sick to see this shit. He passed in 1986. I’ll see you soon dad.

  14. Islam didn’t have electricity and loudspeakers when it was founded so that means it is not consistent with historical Islam. Do without. Also, are these speakers on city property, if so that is a violation of the separation of church and state.


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