Minneapolis Sportswriter Thinks He’s Hit On The Perfect Solution To Heal Community – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Sportswriter Thinks He’s Hit On The Perfect Solution To Heal Community

Star Tribune

Signing Colin Kaepernick would signal the Vikings care about social justice, and that the NFL acknowledges its wrongful blackballing of a talented quarterback. It would also make football sense. More

14 Comments on Minneapolis Sportswriter Thinks He’s Hit On The Perfect Solution To Heal Community

  1. I’m betting they change the official spelling of “Breath” to Breeth, and do away with the apostrophe in can’t. That way all of BLM and ANTIFA can no longer be criticized for their spelling. And that way they will feel included.

  2. Souhan is just echoing what Rush Limbaugh said yesterday
    about Kaepernick during Limbaugh’s airing of the interview he did with the crew of The Breakfast Club.

  3. First of all the Vikings don’t need a waterboy.

    I read and listen to Souhan for news about local Minnesota sports, but he’s liberal as hell on politics (which should be kept out of sports).
    I think it’s a requirement to work for the media here.

    I’ve tried to comment many times at the MPLS Star and Sickle but to no avail. They have “moderators” who are certainly liberal as well. No matter how reasonable my comments are, they never see the light of day.

  4. Aw yes, the left, stupid is one of the best things they do.

    Interesting but unrelated story. On “Nextdoor” a guy complained mightily about the trash pick up crew throwing the trash can on his new and expensive plantings.

    One new “neighbor” responded to the effect, “Try giving them a $20 tip and ask them to be more careful”. Sure enough, read the bio, “California born and raised”.

    With all respect to Left Coast Dan and fellows, the US needs to be MUCH more stringent about accepting immigrants from California.

  5. Poetic justice would be that they win the Super Bowl and the city is destroyed by riots and looting in celebration which then in turn spreads throughout Democrat controlled cities around the country to support the Viking victory. (Joy and virtue signaling for all.)

    Antifa switches from Black to Purple outfits to show solidarity with Colin.

    Side note- Nike files for bankruptcy after having the majority of their produces looted from stores across the country and no longer has key demographic willing to buy their produces because they got them for free.


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