Minnesota About to Become the Land of 10,000 Abortions – IOTW Report

Minnesota About to Become the Land of 10,000 Abortions

The Federalist

Minnesota Democrats are poised to ignore the at least 69 percent of Americans who say they want significant limits on abortion to pass the state’s most radical abortion bill, which would legalize taxpayer-funded on-demand abortion for all.

The Protect Reproductive Options Act (PROA)the first bill Democrats introduced in both the state House and Senate this session, would repeal dozens of the state’s protections for women and babies and expand legal immunity for abortions up until the moment of birth and beyond. Continues

22 Comments on Minnesota About to Become the Land of 10,000 Abortions

  1. “The PROA, however, terminates the protections outlined for a baby who “breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of a natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.” ”

    …so, straight up murder then.

  2. “If a minor requests an abortion, Minnesota law requires that parents or guardians be notified before she goes through with it. Females who do not want to notify their parents of their intent to abort may request a bypass from a judge who can deem the pregnant girl as “mature and capable of giving informed consent to the proposed abortion.””

    …and so the judge can earn the gratitude of the child rapist that got her pregnant.

    Pedos helping pedos, I suppose…

  3. “If a minor requests an abortion, Minnesota law requires that parents or guardians be notified before she goes through with it. Females who do not want to notify their parents of their intent to abort may request a bypass from a judge who can deem the pregnant girl as “mature and capable of giving informed consent to the proposed abortion.””

    …also, this is NOT a zero risk procedure even to the raped child. The poisons and surgical procedures used can physically damage the girl child, sterilizing her or even killing her, because she’d hide a lethal bleed from her uninfomed, deceived parents until she passed out, and her prognosis is not great if she DOES.

    To say nothing of her MENTAL health. She murdered a baby she never should have had, and she can’t even let the pain show to keep her parents in the dark, let alone ask them for HELP.

    And leave us not forget that her rapist will be at her again. Now he knows any slips can be flushed down the toilet in secret, and he has a secret he can threaten to expose HER to keep her cooperative in submitting to his pedophiliac predations.

    It’s a Biden dream world.

    Thanks, Democrats.


  4. “28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

    29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.”
    Luke 23:28-29

  5. “Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.”
    Jeremiah 31:16

    Herod would be jealous.

  6. “Reverses Ban on Abortions for Unconscious Women
    Any woman receiving abortions in Minnesota, the law currently states, must be conscious and given a “full explanation of the procedure and effect of the abortion” beforehand. Under the PROA, neither of those conditions must be met to move forward with an abortion.”

    …”Implied consent” for infanticide?

    No informed consent required for a procedure that will DEFINITELY kill ONE person, and has a risk of killing another?

    Sheeesh, FUCK medical autonomy, eh?

    And pitch that Hippocratic Oath out the window along with the bathwater AND the baby while you’re at it…

  7. “Halts Reporting If Women Die from Abortions
    Abortions are not a safe procedure for the mother or baby, which is why Minnesota law requires abortionists to report if a woman dies due to abortion. Before the PROA, abortionists who failed to report the death of a woman “from any cause within 30 days of the abortion or from any cause potentially related to the abortion within 90 days of the abortion,” faced criminal charges and fines. Under the new legislation, abortionists will not be penalized for refusing to report abortion-related deaths.”

    Geeze, why not just say an abortionist has the same insulation from murder that Pfizer does? And I guess the coroner is just supposed to shrug and not put that on the death certificate?

    And that puts paid to CIVIL liability too. No cause of death, no course of action.

    And no way to keep a bad doctor from killing again.

    …SO glad the government has taken over and thoroughly politicized health care…/s

  8. I best stop reading this. Every paragraph is more disgusting than the last.

    …and we wonder why the Lord turns His back on this nation as it participates, tolerates, and forcibly funds the murder of his most innocent creations and breaks several of His Ten Commandments AT THE SAME TIME…

  9. When Janet Mills was running for re-election she promised to keep abortion laws as is in Maine.
    The current laws do not allow abortion if the baby can survive outside the womb.
    Well our lying liar of a Guv and the Dem controlled Legislature are introducing a bill that will allow baby killing any time,,ANY TIME…before birth.

    But they’re going to ban flavored tobacco products!

    Interesting fact: Mills has never had a baby.

  10. Thank you Dr. Tar, for that, and for bringing this vile legislation out where it can be seen. This is just one of the foulest things penned by man I’ve ever read, and I thought it deserved some highlighting so the crimes against God and man passed in the dark of night can be exposed in the light of day. I could have gone on, believe me, but we’d need a bigger Internet and I do need to shut up occasionally, they’re kind of right about that.

    But it shouldn’t surprise anyone that I react very strongly to things like this.

    But I, in my turn, am surprised that more people DON’T.

  11. Democrats are ‘the Party of the Ku Klux Klan”, having created the vile group (c.1880s) to present, in addition to applauding the evil Margaret Sanger’s (Planned Parenthood) vicious racism against non-whites and non-white babies by advocating their murders.

  12. I left MPLS in 1998 and have never looked back.
    The land of brain dead Libtards that know they are morally superior to any and all that don’t see things the way they do.


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