Minnesota House Democrat Expel State Rep. John Thompson From Party Caucus – IOTW Report

Minnesota House Democrat Expel State Rep. John Thompson From Party Caucus

Pioneer Press

Minnesota House Democrats voted to expel Rep. John Thompson from their caucus Tuesday night, citing “credible reports of abuse and misconduct” and Thompson’s “failure to take responsibility.”

The exceedingly rare move has no impact on Thompson, who represents St. Paul’s East Side, still holding office. Such a bid to oust him from the House may yet come, but that’s not what Tuesday night’s drama was.

Thompson’s expulsion from the Democratic-Farmer-Labor caucus amounts to his fellow liberals — who control the majority of the House — booting him from their ranks and makes it unlikely he will chair a committee — or perhaps even sit on one — or carry much influence anytime soon.

In other words, Thompson’s peers essentially told him: We don’t want you on our team. More

6 Comments on Minnesota House Democrat Expel State Rep. John Thompson From Party Caucus

  1. “Failure to take Responsibility”?
    That would be enough to expel Biden, Austin, Blinken and Milley for their multiple incompetent failures in the Afghanistan, death of our service members, the death of the Afghanistan Family by drone and abandoning 1000 to 2000 Americans.

  2. Mark Steyn had a soundbite of this jackass with a bullhorn & about 100 supporters in front of the white chief of police house in Hugo, MN. He was literally screaming at the top of his lungs about how the chief was a member of the KKK, as were all of his force. Mind you, the chief’s wife & children were home at the time, while this lunatic is stirring up the rabble with his “speech”. Yet, he still was elected. Now the Democrats who helped him into office are disowning him. Too late, idiots, you own him.

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