Minnesota National Guard Targeted in Drive By Shooting Hours After Rep. Maxine Waters Told BLM To Be ‘More Confrontational’ – IOTW Report

Minnesota National Guard Targeted in Drive By Shooting Hours After Rep. Maxine Waters Told BLM To Be ‘More Confrontational’


The Minnesota National Guard was fired at in a drive by shooting in north Minneapolis early Sunday morning — just hours after Rep. Maxine Waters told the Black Lives Matter extremists to be “more confrontational.”

The 82-year-old California congresswoman broke the curfew set in place to curb rioting and marched after midnight with the far-left extremists that have been terrorizing Brooklyn Center.

Local news station WCCO reports that the Minnesota National Guard said its members, along with Minneapolis police officers, were “providing neighborhood security” near Penn and Broadway avenues when someone fired shots from a white SUV.

The shooting took place shortly after 4 a.m. more

26 Comments on Minnesota National Guard Targeted in Drive By Shooting Hours After Rep. Maxine Waters Told BLM To Be ‘More Confrontational’

  1. When I use the term “nigger”, I don’t mean any black people. I specifically mean black people like Maxine Waters. She is literally doing – not for the first time either – what Trump was accused of doing even though he never did.

  2. The riot inciting antiAmerican bitch needs to be removed from congress.
    She doesn’t even live in the district she supposedly represents.

    ‘Peach Maxine.

  3. …it USED to be suicide to fire at a squad of armed soldiers.

    …odd that isn’t the case now.

    …it’s almost like they have ROE that doesn’t allow them to even defend themselves, against liberals of the preferred color at least..

  4. Evil through and through.
    Didn’t incitement to violence used to be a crime?
    You know that those half-wits and retards who listen to her will go ape-shit, don’t ya?
    If Pelosi won’t rein her in, or the House doesn’t move to censure, you know it’s part of “The Plan” – treason and, ultimately, un-Civil War.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Would it do any good to arrest Mop Head Waters for “inciting to riot”?

  6. I don’t care the motives behind the shooter, but I support shouting to the heavens that it was her pulling the trigger metaphorically. The more she denies, the louder should be the accusations.

  7. I honestly do not understand how this POS has never been charged with Inciting a riot, fraud, misappropriation of election funds, tax avoidance, etc.

    I don’t get it.

  8. @ Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon APRIL 18, 2021 AT 5:27 PM

    Your kinda slow on the uptake there. That is how the progressives movement rolls. The entire Democrat Party and a critical mass of Republicans are progressives. Progressives are progressives first, last and always. The worst among them is not the likes of her, it is the Republican establishment.

  9. This race baiting old hag has been voted the most corrupt member of congress for the last 10 years running. The 2 things that keep her from being convicted is a electorate that has the IQ of a stump, and the Lame Stream Media using her to stir up their equally stupid voter base.

  10. What is she doing in Minnesota, besides being a professional shit disturber? If ANYTHING violent or any rioting occurs after the verdict, Congress should(they won’t) toss Waters out on her fat ass. Do not pass go, straight to jail for inciting. Wishful thinking, I know, I just cannot believe the audacity of the likes of her.

  11. “Maxine
    You don’t have to put on the red light
    Those days are over
    You don’t have to sell your soul to the night
    You don’t have to spew that venom tonight
    Walk the streets for money
    You know it’s treason and that it ain’t right.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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