Misheard Lyrics – IOTW Report

Misheard Lyrics

PHenry has trouble hearing.

He hears, “The Chair Is Not My Son.”

He hears, “Ripped Up Like a Douche.”

(In the same song, I hear “Anus Curly Wurly.”)

39 Comments on Misheard Lyrics

  1. Slightly OT, We listen mainly to Country lately. Lot’s of new artist. It’s like the flavor of the week. Lat week I’m working away with the radio playing a new artist in the back ground. But instead of his lyrics I’m hearing Rebel Rebel by Bowie. The music was exactly the same. Far from the first time that’s happened. I’m surprised these people aren’t getting their butts sued off.

  2. Wife is a little hard of hearing. This is what she has been singing..

    Have a tick on me…
    (Have a drink on me….AC/DC)

    Gunga Din and his chimpanzee…
    (Dirty Deeds and their done dirt cheap…AC/DC again)

  3. What’s always amazed me is listening to Ozzy Osbourne sing and then listening to him talk.
    I would advise him to always sing so I know what he’s saying.

  4. The song Spiderwebs by No Doubt I’ve always heard, “I scream my balls off” and always thought that was weird for a female to say and found out years later it’s actually, “I screen my phone calls.”

  5. Wrapped up like a douche.
    Mad man drools from a dingy in the summer with a teenage diplomat.
    Some silicone sister with a mannequin mister…
    And little early birdy gave my anus curly-whirly…
    Calliope crashed to the ground.
    – Calliope is the Muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry; so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice. That makes sense that Calliope crashed after listening to this.
    I can’t make anything out of what they say when they start singing over each other.

  6. Who the hell is go-cart Mozart? What is this weather chart he’s checking out? What does it mean to be “safe outside”?
    I can pretty much understand what a silicone sister is.


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