Misogyny Alert: Trigger Warning: Piggish Men Ahead – IOTW Report

Misogyny Alert: Trigger Warning: Piggish Men Ahead

Who is hotter?

Ivanka Trump or step-mom Melania?




Melania (click more) (Thumb up your choice in the comments)


32 Comments on Misogyny Alert: Trigger Warning: Piggish Men Ahead

  1. Well they’re both hotter than that bimbo Megyn Kelly.

    Kim Kardashian has been on his Instagram site for about 6 hours strait arguing with everyone there. She’s getting her ass kicked too.

  2. This post is so misogynist. We are being asked to vote solely upon photographs of the two women – what about their education, their intelligence, their religious beliefs, their political beliefs, or their hopes and plans for the future? None of this is apparent from bikini pictures.

    After taking all of that into account, I will then vote for the one with the nicest boobs.

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