Missou President Resigns – IOTW Report

Missou President Resigns

In a meeting with the University of Missouri governing board this morning, President Tim Wolfe resigned.  The sudden move comes as pressure built over the weekend for his removal when thirty Black members of the football team declared they would no longer participate in games until Wolfe resigned.


The coaches supported the striking players and canceled team activities yesterday. There is also a few student groups who called for a campus-wide walkout today and tomorrow.

The genesis of all the protest was a declared hunger strike by student government president Jonathan Butler.


Among Butler’s issue is an alleged incident of racial slurs being screamed at a student senate member, a swastika drawn in feces on a campus bathroom wall and Planned Parenthood being prevented by state law from doing abortions on campus.

45 Comments on Missou President Resigns

  1. Well I guess football is more important then academia and 30 black players (most of which won’t make the pros) along with some black radicals and SJW’s can force the ouster of a University president in reply to a handful number of incidents which either can’t be proved to have taken place at all or that weren’t false flag jobs done by the blacks themselves or some SJW. Shame.

  2. Sorry to hear he resigned, like he has control over what students do. Plus I’m sure that poop incident was most likely a racial hoax, since most of them are anyway.

    Now the blueprint is out there to do this at other schools.

  3. Wouldn’t have resigned. I’d have yanked the scholarships (and you know they’re all on football scholarships) of any player refusing to play. Pretty sure I could make a case in court for violation of contract, there.

  4. It seems likely that these ‘racist’ events were staged/phony. SO when they discover that to be true will the president be reinstated?
    My advice to the citizens of the state is vote to close the school. It is going to be an expensive disaster. Don’t give into the crazies deny them this victory. Close the school, fire the staff and give the tax money back to the citizens.

  5. Now the university professors and administrators know what it is like to be falsely labeled as a racist, homophobic, transphobic, woman hating privileged person of non color. Suck it academia, you reap what you sow.

  6. The coach? Ole Pink-el makes +3 million dollars per year (I would guess far more than the University President does) for coaching football. He isn’t about to upset his mostly dumb, retarded and mercenary players! The football monster ate it’s master!

  7. You’re right–now other schools have to prove they can do that or worse to claim whatever dubious title they can from it. What next–1969 wannabes and occupying campus administration buildings like they did in Columbia?

  8. Two things:
    First, this is a prelude to what will soon happen in all schools everywhere, middle and high schools as well as college.
    Blacks will demonstrate for some petty offense and the somebody will be forced out.
    One day there will be a hue and cry to get the Cafeteria Lady fired because she’s old and white and so are the mashed potatoes and therefore something somewhere must be racist!
    Soon there will be only guards, teachers behind acrylic panels and food dispensers

    Second, the reason college costs fifty thou a year to learn crap like whether or not Dogs approve of Nougat, is the fact that everybody is a doctor of some nonsense branch of study and gets five hundred thou a year to work three hours a week.
    When they start getting rid of professors for not being Left Enough, the snake will begin eating its tail signifying the end is not far behind

  9. @Anon. The comments make up for the essay….

    Yalensis • 4 hours ago

    “White women … it’s time to remember your role in all this. … As white women, we can use our privilege to support the black voices around us. ”

    I have not read anything more unconsciously bigoted than this in many a month.

    CoryIntheHouse • 5 hours ago

    This is embarrassing

    quals • 7 hours ago

    The white guilt is strong in this one.

  10. I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did. At the same time, I’m shit-sick and tired of reading the lists of “demands” by the same crew.

    If you have not read the list of demands, and every single one is specifically phrased as a demand, then you should. Faced with what these people are demanding, I’ll be amazed if the University stays in business for much longer. Might just as well close up shop right now rather than even attempt to please these “demonstrators”.

  11. I wonder what exactly the President could have done to “shield” the Blacks of the University from racism in the Columbia community?

    This Johnathan Butler is going into politics or community organizing and then politics, just watch to see how far he can ride the SJW horse to power.

  12. The limbs in these universities brought all of this on themselves by pushing their agendas on kids instead of actually teaching! Fire all of them and bring in non lib professors/staff if any exist!

  13. I’m jhst glad the players are back at practice. Idle hands are the devil’s tools…

    “To determine how often crimes involving college athletes are prosecuted and what factors influence them, Outside the Lines requested police reports involving all football and men’s basketball players on rosters from 2009 to 2014 from campus and city police departments covering 10 major programs: Auburn, Florida, Florida State, Michigan State, Missouri, Notre Dame, Oklahoma State, Oregon State, Texas A&M and Wisconsin

    Missouri had 63 criminal cases involving 46 athletes during the five-year time period. Twelve athletes were involved in more than one incident, Outside the Lines found, and Missouri had the second-highest number of allegations of sexual assault, violence against women, and harassment. Florida State had the most.”


  14. Who would want a diploma that says Mizzou on it after this disgrace? The jocks removed the U President ? Then it IS all and only about money.
    I would transfer ANYWHERE else!

    Bring the heat on the illiterates in that locker room and show how they respond. Make an example, a NATIONAL embarrassment, out of them and see how that plays out.

    Tell post-racial Obozo that HE built this !

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