Missouri AG On Warrant Served On St. Louis Couple: Dem Prosecutor Has History Of ‘Politically Motivated Decisions,’ Has Not Charged Those Who Attacked Prayerful Protesters – IOTW Report

Missouri AG On Warrant Served On St. Louis Couple: Dem Prosecutor Has History Of ‘Politically Motivated Decisions,’ Has Not Charged Those Who Attacked Prayerful Protesters

Daily Wire:

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt responded to Friday night’s breaking news that a search warrant was served and at least one gun confiscated from the St. Louis couple who defended their home last month from an angry mob by saying that the Democrat prosecutor who was handling the decision has an alleged track record of making politically motivated decisions. WATCH

18 Comments on Missouri AG On Warrant Served On St. Louis Couple: Dem Prosecutor Has History Of ‘Politically Motivated Decisions,’ Has Not Charged Those Who Attacked Prayerful Protesters

  1. Got to start voting out the Soros vermin. They got in while we slept, but we are wide awake now. This particular sow has an opponent in the Dem primary: Mary Pat Carl. She ain’t perfect, but she’s not Soros-bought. It’s going to be a long hard fight to take back every island, but here we are on the Line of Departure. Trump can’t do everything.

    And Uncle Al, I am asking the same Q’s about Alexander Soros.

  2. As these widespread injustices continue to occur and are documented for millions to see day after day, I must wonder how long it will be before victims decide to go another way.

  3. Notice how quickly we became a cashless economy. Cash is not coming back, and masks are never going away.

    Life does indeed come at you fast. Plan accordingly.

  4. This overt assault on that St. Louis couples Second Amendment rights needs to be remedied immediately and those responsible themselves arrested. That includes the corrupt cops that raided their home.

  5. we are engaged in battle

    stand strong

    keep your powder dry

    don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes

    aim small
    miss small

    time to belly up to the bar and not go belly up

  6. Soros and his sons need to be off the planet asap else this crap will not stop. I’m not sure how many Soros owned and operated DA’s there are in your country but they all ought to be doxed with as much detail as possible in order to allow them to make the correct career decision.

  7. “The prosecutor has a history of politically motivated decisions.” I am shocked. It doesn’t matter if you have a (D) or (R) after your name, as a prosecutor, leave it at home. Your job is to prosecute infractions of the law, not what you want the law to be.


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