Missouri Dem Touts Endorsement From Dark Money Group After Denouncing Dark Money – IOTW Report

Missouri Dem Touts Endorsement From Dark Money Group After Denouncing Dark Money

WFB: Galloway welcomes support from hybrid PAC behind $10 million election push.

Collin Anderson – 

Missouri Democrat Nicole Galloway touted an endorsement from a liberal dark money group just days after claiming that she “hate[s] dark money with a passion.”

The state auditor has repeatedly denounced dark money during her bid to unseat Missouri governor Mike Parson (R.). Galloway has told supporters and reporters that she “hate[s] dark money with a passion” and “absolutely think[s] it’s wrong” in the past, but she now welcomes its support for her gubernatorial run. During a May 8 call with supporters, she boasted that she had won the backing of 314 Action, which has pledged to spend millions in 2020 but does not disclose donors for its nonprofit arm.

“I will point out that I am endorsed by 314 Action, which is one of the leading organizations promoting science and data in policymaking,” she said. “I am proud of that endorsement.” read more

9 Comments on Missouri Dem Touts Endorsement From Dark Money Group After Denouncing Dark Money

  1. Honey, you know what I “…hate with a passion and absolutely think it’s wrong…” is abortion. You are in the Democrat party that defends murder by abortion tooth and nail. You tacitly agree by belonging to that party.

    So your hypocrisy for taking of dark money pales in comparison to awaits you and your eternal fate. Try fixing that moral blight first and worry and campaign finance second.

    Hint: you cannot be a moral person and be a socialist, baby-killing, Democrat.

  2. “….leading organizations promoting science and data in policymaking,” she said.”…………….Aaaaaaaaaand I would state, Based on the “science” and “data” we have been forcefed lately, GFYS!

  3. How to read a democrat: Whatever they accuse you of, THEY are guilty of.

    Whatever they tout the loudest as identifying who they are, is a deflection of who they REALLY are.

    EXAMPLE: “I am a women and child advocate!” —Hillary Clinton

    *Got child molester off on reduced charges, rapist-enabler.


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