Mitch McConnell Must Not Be Senate Majority Leader After Midterms – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell Must Not Be Senate Majority Leader After Midterms

American Thinker:

by Rajan Laad

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell declined to comment on the FBI raid of President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home during a press conference in Kentucky, following recent floods that hit the eastern part of his home state.

“I’m here to talk about the flood and recovery from the flood,” McConnell said when asked about the raid. 

Hours later, McConnell’s office released the following statement:

The country deserves a thorough and immediate explanation of what led to the events of Monday. Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice should already have provided answers to the American people and must do so immediately.

This wasn’t the unequivocal condemnation that the FBI raid deserved.  It was instead a perfunctory act released after pressure from the MAGA wing of the GOP. more here

8 Comments on Mitch McConnell Must Not Be Senate Majority Leader After Midterms

  1. “Mitch McConnell Must Not Be Senate Majority Leader After Midterms”

    …he won’t be, because my…I mean, “the”… Democrats will rule with a 60 vote majority, so no “Majority Leader” for HIM!

    …Uhh, it’s just a feeling I have. Deep inside my programming. But you can usually *chuckle!* “count” on my feelings!


  2. Mitch’s power and longevity revolves around his control of the Senate Campaign Money where he supports RINOs in their Bid to be elected (incumbent and challengers).

    He holds this honey pot of $Millions of cash, it can mean the difference between winning or losing.

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