Mitt Romney Denouncing Reagan – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Denouncing Reagan

We covered this when Romney was running for president. It’s one of the things we hammered away on when he was in the primaries.

The guy is the Grand Poobah of stealth democrats.

ht/ hot salsa


20 Comments on Mitt Romney Denouncing Reagan

  1. Mittens has successfully minimized himself from a former governor who was a credible national candidate to a self-serving corruptocrat that only a Mormon could support.

    If he alienates even that constituency, he’ll be left with Meheeco for sanctuary.

    Keep digging Mittens! and you’ll reach your compadre, Yeb!

  2. Something I learned yesterday, maybe everyone else already knew, is that John Huber, the US Attorney that supposedly is investigating the FBI and DOJ misconduct is a Romney, Reid, Flake, style Mormon. Coming from Utah I should have known.

  3. Leopard doesn’t change his spots. I had this charlatan pegged for the weasel he is the minute he showed up on the national stage. I can’t fathom how it is that anyone ever fell for his schtick. He just oozes skeevy

  4. “We gonna impeach the mother effer.” “Impeach forda fi, impeach forda fi.” No, gentleman Mitt did not say those words, but that’s what he’s thinking. What a slimeball!
    Keep going Mr. President. I love you more and more every day. MAGA!

  5. Mormon Mafia got him elected, connections work, he was every bit as much a carpetbagger (but not as much of a carpet muncher) as Hill was when NY elected her senator.

  6. As I said yesterday he’s been a member of the Bush/Obama/Rove UNIPARTY fo 30 years.
    No matter what the scundrels in the UNIPARTY say their actions say “We hate Ronny!” 5×5 or Loud + Clear!

    As Barry said in his book 55 years ago there have alwasy been 3 factions of the GOP: Progressive (Teddy did not say “Im a liberal”; he said “Im a progressive); conservative (Barry + Ronny); and others. The progressives have hated the conservatives for 120 years.
    the Bush/Nixon liberals denounced the “red neck, xenophobic, racist Ronny in 76; and again in ’80 right up to the convention. Barry said after the ’64 election. “I can NOT prove the Bush folk supported LBJ; but I can prove that the Nixon/Bush folk did not support me!”! Because Ronny was such a good gov he won 2 landslide elections as Pres. The libs hated (and still do – read Jonah) Ron; but – with the exception of Cheney who voted with the libs many times; (including AGAINST RON’S TAX CUTS IN ’86!)- they were afraid to openly fight him. I give Dick a lot of credit for his bal*s!
    An exception being Bork – 7 leftist GOP in the upper house voted against Bork; led by an Obama/Bush charter member “Snarlin Arlin”! UNIPARTY has been here for decades.


    Those 2 RINOs were forced upon us and we were told to “hold your nose and pull the lever for them.” –well I did for neither.

    Trump comes along, and we revolted! They tried to force BUSH on us with a $100 million treasure chest, and then we would have had a choice between liberal Hillary or liberal JEB!

  8. Lil ol’ Mitty McMittens is so pathetic at this point, being a RINO is one thing, being a UniParty choir boy is one thing, but dissing Regan? The Godfather of modern conservative politics? Wow, suicidal move there.
    I can’t believe he was reelected at all in the first place. So much for Utah being a place to move to.


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