Mitt Romney pooh-poohs idea of any crisis at the border – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney pooh-poohs idea of any crisis at the border

American Thinker:

Fresh from the shellacking he got for his ill advised, ill timed, tin-eared op-ed opposing President Trump in the Washington Post, and underscored with the chilly reception he got in the Senate for it, Mitt Romney is refusing to change course.

Now the embittered former presidential candidate is pooh-poohing President Trump’s border wall showdown with intransigent Democrats, saying the drugs, illegal aliens, criminals, and smuggling operations pouring over our border are really not much of a crisis.

“I don’t want to see a declaration of national emergency,” Romney told MSNBC.  “I think that’s an action that would be taken in the most extreme circumstances, and, hopefully, we don’t reach that.”

This rather contradicts Romney’s earlier claim that a border wall is necessary and that he supports one.  Here he was, just the other day, as reported by HuffPo:

“I would vote for the border wall,” Romney, former Republican presidential candidate, told CNN’s Jake Tapper in a Wednesday afternoon interview.

“We should have a wall on the southern border,” the former governor of Massachusetts added.

Maybe Romney thinks a wall’s necessary, but only if he’s the one building it, not President Trump.  Maybe he thinks it’s OK, but only if Democrats give permission.  Or worst of all, maybe it’s something he just says at election time or to spin out of a crisis.  He sure as heck doesn’t believe it now.  MORE

49 Comments on Mitt Romney pooh-poohs idea of any crisis at the border

  1. Go away Mitt and take your magic Mormon underwear with you. You are a fool and a disgrace to the GOPEE and a friggin cowardly, chickenshit, squishy, linguini spined RINO who couldn’t even beat barry obummer for President. And to think I wasted my vote my vote on you. Trump won and neither you nor hellary will ever be President. And as far the Mormons thinking that they can become gods when then they die that’s as much horseshit as pisslam.

  2. So, is it a refugee crisis where we have to take all comers without question because shit’s so bad or is shit not actually so bad?

    Pick one.

    And if it is the later, does that mean we cutoff foreign aid to these countries sending “refugees” to us. Seems counterproductive and not a wise investment of our money which could have paid for that wall several times over at this point.

  3. The strain and rejection from his previous attempt at office has left him empty and totally detached from reality. He’s stumbling around like a blind drunk. What a f@cking asshole!

  4. Former Governor of Massholes
    Former Presidential candidate
    Current Senator to the second most popular cult behind Scientology
    Future Guest Contributor to The Bulwark (my guess)

    At this rate, he’ll be knocking on your door asking you to take a copy of The Watchtower within the next couple of years.

  5. Remind me not to answer the door when a couple of kids riding bicycles in white shirts try to convince me of Mormonism or Jehovah’s Witnesses who my mom always made us lie about whenever they came to the door, she wasn’t there or in the bathroom or otherwise predisposed and refused to talk to them so we became her excuse not to talk to them or answer the door.

  6. At this point the question to ask is, when was Mitt ever CORRECT about something?!

    Romneycare? The Olympics which were fraught with fraud? His Preznittial Candidacy where he unbelievably lost to obozo?! His choice of “religions” ? His “stand” on American citizenship and US sovereignty?

    If I were buying a round of drinks for everyone, I’d tell the bartender “everyone except for that jerk”.

  7. A Basket
    A Letter

    Dear Mitt,
    I hear you are a good man.
    A real Boy Scout.
    They say.
    You wouldn’t steal money from the collection plate.
    A real Prince.

    Well, Mitt.
    There’s this girl.
    She needs help.
    You may be just the Man she needs.
    But be prepared.
    She is high maintainence.
    She eats a lot.
    Anyway ole Mitt
    She is kind of blue
    She needs a good firm father figure in her life.
    Can you help?
    Her name is Meghan.

  8. “Are you saying they won’t work for half the cost of gun hugging, Bible clutching, terrorists!?”

    “Then there’s no ‘crisis.’ A flow restriction is a ‘problem.’ A ‘problem’ that I, am well endowed, to fix.”

  9. no respect for mitt *spit* romney and the dumbass cult followers that voted lock step for him. In the era of TRUMP those buffoons voted for a LOSER because their cult told them too. Fools.

    @Geoff, I owned an AMX and other AMCs. They were great cars but back then no one knew about the cultists. They all thought the mormon tabernacle choir was great. Thats all anyone knew about them.

  10. Call his offices and comment:

    Washington, DC
    B33 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: 202-224-5251

    Salt Lake City
    Phone: 801-524-4380

    His D.C. voicemail will also give you his direct email address.

    Call and comment! If he doesn’t hear from us, then he won’t know that the average Joe and Jill Trumplican are foursquare against him.

  11. He’s not against the wall. He’s against the idea of the president using a decree to do it.

    Which is sane.

    Why would anyone support such a precedent? It would mean that the next dem president could say global warming is a national emergency and issue insane edicts based on that.

    Wall. Yes. Presidential decree. No.

  12. I think Mittens has been very busy hauling The Turtle’s water in the short time he’s been a Senator…….Mitch is too much the coward to put his name on these slam pieces.
    I wonder if Mittens’ nose will be hard to pull out of McConnell’s ass is Mitch stops short?

  13. Clearly a left hand is up his ass, controlling the puppet called Mitt Romney. If you watch his lips, you’ll actually see the puppet mouth, bottom lip and chin only, moving.

  14. I remember him from 1970 his early days in Mokelumne Hill, Ca. when he was just a normal person. Now he’s nothing more than the Republican Parties version of HILLARY CLINTON…neither one of them will just GO THE F*CK AWAY!!!

  15. Trump has already said — many times — that he doesn’t want to invoke a national emergency; that it is the congress who should do that. So what Romney is doing is spreading fake opinion and accusing the president of a dangerous precedent.

    FYI: It’s not a dangerous precedent. Presidents — dating back at least as early as Woodrow Wilson — used some form of national emergency legislation. Presidents Eisenhower, Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama have all invoked national emergencies from the W.H. Some decrees of national emergency from prior administrations are still in place.

    Romney is a snake.

  16. Wasn’t Meek Mitt’s father born in Mexico? Maybe a wall would have kept him out. Is this ‘divided loyalty’?

    When he pisses off Trump enough, the smack-down will be amazing.

  17. Aarron Burr at 226

    Valid points.
    No argument.
    You fear future “insane edicts”
    Border Security isn’t insane.
    Oranges to Apples.

    The S.C. should do thir jobs too.
    And if someone is too ill, make it known. The Country can’t stop because one person is sick.

    If President Obama had the legal right then President Trump can do the same thing.

    Do you not see that this whole ginsburg delay is all the liberal wing scheming twisting narrative spinning going on behind the scenes right now this vary day to delay or stop a ruling down the road.

    The Liberals are stalling for Time because they are losing, and know it.

    They have to rule on ObamaCare now.
    If it stays.
    We get a Wall.


  18. Thomas J.

    Chrissy Stirwalt said on Fox News, “The Republicans won’t let Trump declare a national emergency because next time we have a Democrat President he’ll declare one and confiscate all the guns”.
    And just like that, all the RINOs started saying the exact same thing.
    Nobodies pointed out to them that guns are protected by the Constitution. I think any president would be hard pressed changing or disobeying the Constitution via a national emergency.

  19. Oh I think Romney is a snake. I should have reiterated that. I just don’t like getting distracted by what is essentially a non story.

    “Romney makes dick move”

    That’s like every headline he’s ever been in.

  20. Mittens the Rat is doubling down on the idea he can appeal to the left and the rinos as an alternative to idiots lie Fauxcahontas.

    Wouldnt vote for this ass, period. Not another ‘Mccain’ choice.

  21. Mittens the Rat is doubling down on the idea he can appeal to the left and the rinos as an alternative to idiots like Fauxcahontas.

    Wouldnt vote for this ass, period. Not another ‘Mccain’ choice.

  22. I think we need an amendment that once a person runs for President, win or lose, he may not run for a lesser office ever again. Nobody is ever satisfied with a consolation prize, and it shows on both faces.

  23. Wow, you talk about your major brain fart…I was thinking about another asshole John Garamendi who lived not far from me in Moke Hill. I was on my mind because yesterday I got to see Harris Faulkner BITCH SLAP him on the air when he contradicted what Nasty Pelosi had just said! But Mittens is still and irrelevant asshole!

  24. Wow, you talk about your major brain fart…I was thinking about another asshole John Garamendi who lived not far from me in Moke Hill. I was on my mind because yesterday I got to see Harris Faulkner BITCH SLAP him on the air when he contradicted what Nasty Pelosi had just said! But Mittens is still and irrelevant asshole!

  25. Put his sorry, UN-armed ass at the border. 😡

    He can hand out mugs of hot cocoa to the peace, love, & doobers sneaking in at night. Over/Under on him getting that cocoa mug jammed up his ass sideways is 30 minutes.

  26. This total lying asshole lives in Park City, far and away richest of three liberal enclaves in Utah (The others are large parts of Salt Lake City, and Moab (Hippyville) on the other side of the state. He does not represent the majority opinion in Utah. He only won the senate primary because he had name recognition (duh) and unlimited cash to spend.


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