Moderna testing COVID-19 vaccine on infants nationwide despite ‘negligible’ risk from virus – IOTW Report

Moderna testing COVID-19 vaccine on infants nationwide despite ‘negligible’ risk from virus

Just the News- The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is being tested on infants across the country, even as medical experts question the wisdom of moving so fast on novel vaccine development in a population with such low risk from COVID. more

16 Comments on Moderna testing COVID-19 vaccine on infants nationwide despite ‘negligible’ risk from virus

  1. They meaning “the globalist” are well on their way to establishing a utopia without conflicting opposition.

    Vengeance is mine says the Lord

    Have mercy on these children for they are being abused in and out of the womb.

    Please pray for our nation 🕊️❤️🙏

  2. “Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.”

  3. Anon Prime…yes. I think so too. Why are they letting illegals and others into the country with no covid test or shot requirements? Pressuring good Americans to leave the military?
    Something evil is afoot.
    Shooting must start soon.

  4. The state of Idaho just recorded its first confirmed death of an infant due to COVID. My newborn grandson who is 2 and a half months old will never get the jab and his 5 year older sister will never get it either as his well as his 2 year old sister. My son is far more adamant about it than I am and will not allow his children to become guinea pigs. These bastards are pure evil.


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