Molelier Than Thou – IOTW Report

Molelier Than Thou

Doctors say that if you have more than 10 moles on your right arm, chances are you have 100 or more on your body.

 Mole Count

If you have 100 or more moles on your body, your chances of developing malignant melanoma goes up tenfold.



20 Comments on Molelier Than Thou

  1. I actually went to a dermatologist about ten years ago (I hadn’t been in a while), who when I removed my shirt, actually gasped like he had just won the PowerBall drawing.

    He cut out twelve samples of potentially scary shit (all the while saying “Oh boy” and “not good”, informed me me that, moving forward, he and I were going to have a quarterly visit scheduled until one of us dropped dead, and sent me out bruised and aching to my car.

    Not one of those samples came back hot. Of course, I never went back to him, either.

    My current dermatologist took a look and said that they had a medical term for people like me. Expecting something profound, he said “you’re really fucking moley”.

    So in the interest of dispensing good medical advice here, I’ll share with you what he told me then. Pay attention to your hide as much as you can, but even better, have the old lady give you a regular once over. He said the problem with annual visits and the like is that you might already be screwed if you wait that long to come back in.

    And wear a hat.

  2. I just went to the dermatologist who I insisted take 5 moles off of me. More of a cosmetic thing than them being dangerous. However, I had a friend (because he died), developed moles all over his body. I’m talking moles on top of moles. He was American Indian. July 1, he started experiencing stomach problems and finally went to the the doctor. He died two months later with pancreatic cancer – which is tied some how to all the moles he had on him. I don’t wish that on anyone.

  3. My dad had a mole on his forehead. One day, I came home from college and asked what happened to his mole. It was gone.

    Two years later, my dad died from melanoma in the brain. 🙁

    Do not underestimate the power of moles.

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