Mollie Hemingway On The Virtue Of Defiance – IOTW Report

Mollie Hemingway On The Virtue Of Defiance

The Federalist

The conservative establishment, its politicians, and its media, don’t lack ideas or people. But too many of its leaders do lack determination and endurance and fearlessness. The people can tell. As it is said, “Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.”

Excerpt From Molly Hemingway’s Bradley Prize acceptance speech Given September 13, 2021


6 Comments on Mollie Hemingway On The Virtue Of Defiance

  1. Speaking of defiance, has anyone seen Lynn Cheney?? I defy her to step to the mess that she made for us all:

    Her lofty principles and her ‘oath’ are barely contained up her fat waddling ass. She was so brave and active in Jan, but we sure could use her brassy righteousness to back up Sen Rand Paul! Jan 6 ‘shocked’ her and Gen Milley’s admission does what? Make her moist, out of TDS?

    She has NOTHING to say about those WY soldiers martyred in Afghanistan??

    How about she LOUDLY DENOUNCE that fake POTUS she ushered in, who shits his pants, shits on the US Constitution and on a daily basis, and makes her look like shit for paving his way into the Oval Office?

    Come on Lynn, ask your father how we ditch clownboy, and if he tells you that’s a tall order at this point, then admit you SUCK and need to go far away. Certainly you are shameless for running for reelection, you self-centered twat!

    The ‘conservative establishment’ does indeed lack people. God-fearing, patriotic people that care about their fellow citizens over their pensions, their wealth, and their cocktail party invitations.

  2. One of the problems I see is that too many people who claim to be conservatives and are rich aren’t willing to put their money where their mouths are. Liberalism is a religion and rich leftists fund their causes.


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