Mom Who Publicly Smacked Son When She Caught Him Joining Freddie Gray Riot Is Now Homeless – IOTW Report

Mom Who Publicly Smacked Son When She Caught Him Joining Freddie Gray Riot Is Now Homeless


  • Last year Michael Graham was caught on camera being clobbered by his mother Toya Graham for trying to join in Baltimore’s Freddie Gray riots 
  • Now, the family is homeless after he accidentally caused a fire 
  • The 17-year-old was frying chicken tenders in the kitchen and stepped away when the fire started
  • He tried to put it out with water, but that made it worse before calling 911 
  • His mother created a GoFundMe to raise money to help them get back on their feet since the home is destroyed

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32 Comments on Mom Who Publicly Smacked Son When She Caught Him Joining Freddie Gray Riot Is Now Homeless

  1. Reminds me of the TPB episode where Ricky burned down Ray’s trailer when he left french fries burning while he went off to bang his girl. And Bubbles got blamed. Nonsense to most of you. So check out Trailer Park Boys (on Netflix). Then it will make sense.

  2. One nugget of extremely useful information I learned in school was that you don’t use water on grease fires. For kitchen fires, dumping salt on the fire is recommemded. I had to do it once, too.

    Of course, today they’re too busy teaching the lie that gender is a fluid construct to teach anything useful.

  3. TPB fan here too.

    @Chip: …and they continued to use the burned-out trailer for weeks!

    @Cranky: “If I can’t smoke and swear, I’m f**ked.” Who do those judges think they are, anyway?

    I laughed harder than anything at the first Samsquamptch reference when they beat the crap out of Julian.

    I watched the Christmas special last night and found out why Bubbles’s parents left him behind. Poor fella.

    Maybe we need to start a TPB side thread?

  4. Oh, my sister loves TPB. She found out that they kidnap a member of Rush in an episode, watched it, and got completely hooked. 🙂
    /on a more serious note, I genuinely hope that the poor woman is able to at least find another place to live, hopefully her idiot trash son wises up… burning your home down can’t be a good feeling, even if you are a little shit.

  5. Grayjohn said it. That boy will be the death of her.

    I have a couple of fire extinguishers mounted in the house.

    The one mistake I think most people make is putting it right by the oven/stove top. Probably thinking that since the fire starts there it would be quicker to reach. Not considering at all that the fire could, and most likely will, keep you from it.

    My biggest one may be only 4 feet or so from oven, but it is on the outside of the kitchen by the door to it.

  6. bill August 17, 2016 at 8:53 am

    is it safe to say that the only fathering this boy has received is from old uncle sugar?

    this a boy raised by a village and not a father.

    A working fire alarm (maybe 2 of them), one in the bedroom and one in the hallway will alert you to smoke before it gets anywhere near dangerous. Here in California, when you sell your house, you must have a fire alarm in every room in the house. Also a carbon monoxide detector (if you have natural gas) in your home. Don’t forget to change the batteries the day daylight savings time changes.

    Gofundme well, there’s just too many with their hands out. Too bad for her, but I look at all the folks who lost their homes in New Orleans and none of them had flood insurance. Insurance, it’s such an easy thing to get.

  7. Roommate in college had a grease fire in a skillet and freaked out. My other roommate yelled, “Throw salt on it!”.

    Roommate #1 grabbed a salt shaker…

    We still laugh about it 40 years later!

  8. Sometimes people are generous to a fault. GoFundMe was trying for $5,000. It’s up to $33,362. I bet she doesn’t let the Spawn of Stupid near the stove in her new place.

  9. Maybe Mr. Trump could stand the democrat sodomite party on its collective, Marxist ear by buying her a new home while simultaneously rubbing Hillary’s nose in his selfless act of compassion.

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