Monica Crowley Walks Away From Trump Administration Amid Charges of Plagiarism – IOTW Report

Monica Crowley Walks Away From Trump Administration Amid Charges of Plagiarism


Conservative author and television personality Monica Crowley is stepping away from her appointment to a senior communications role in Donald Trump’s incoming administration, CNN confirms.

The move comes after CNN’s KFile uncovered multiple instances of plagiarism in her 2012 book, her columns for the Washington Times, and her 2000 Ph.D. dissertation for Columbia University. Crowley was slated to be the senior director of strategic communications for the National Security Council in Trump’s administration.

The Washington Times first reported the news of Crowley’s decision. A transition official confirmed the move to CNN.

“After much reflection I have decided to remain in New York to pursue other opportunities and will not be taking a position in the incoming administration,” she told the Times in a statement. “I greatly appreciate being asked to be part of President-elect Trump’s team and I will continue to enthusiastically support him and his agenda for American renewal.”


ht/ fdr in hell

19 Comments on Monica Crowley Walks Away From Trump Administration Amid Charges of Plagiarism

  1. Having the decency to bow out because of an impropriety on her part goes a long way in setting the tone of Trumps presidency. Had this been a Democrat, under clinton, no one would ever find out about it. If it were brought to light they would have most likely denied it and then taken out their “victim cards” and started passing them out to any who would listen.

  2. The interesting thing is that if it were a liberal they’d be attacking these ex buzzfeed geeks instead of doing the honorable thing. Anyway, I wonder how long they’ve ben sitting on this one.

  3. Hmmmm. Are Monica Crowley’s critics the same folks who stand behind Paul Krugman? I can’t tell if Krugman is crazy, effin stupid, a pathological liar, a world class con man, or all four. If the media can ignore Krugman and all his years of deception, they are not qualified to question Monica Crowley.

  4. “CNN’s KFILE later found thousands of words plagiarized in Crowley’s 2000 dissertation for her Columbia University Ph.D.”

    And yet these sleuths haven’t managed to find anything from Obozo’s college days. Of course they didn’t even try.

  5. I recall a controversy a few years ago when researchers discovered that “Dr” ML King plagiarized his entire Doctoral dissertation.

    Apparently grad student King obtained someone else’s (successful) dissertation from the school library. It was old enough, and enough years had passed, that he was able to simply re-type huge sections of it and submitted it as his original work.

    The school admitted this IIRC, but the media blacked out the story fast.

    So much for plagiarism reporting.

  6. Doris Kearns Goodwin?
    Joe Biden? He said he forgot and misunderstood he had to cite sourses carefully while in Law School! Phucking Law School? Are you Phuckin’ kidding me. BTW. one of the guys in this expose of Monica Crowley is non other than Jim Acosta of CNN who Mr. Trump put to bed last week. It’s goin’ to be an exciting year.. I hope Monica Crowley is playing it cool, and will, bye and bye,( oops Mark Twain), scuttle the CNN bastards with a law suit.

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