Monica Lewinsky Purportedly Was Incensed When Bill Cheated on Her With Eleanor Mondale – IOTW Report

Monica Lewinsky Purportedly Was Incensed When Bill Cheated on Her With Eleanor Mondale

Walter Mondale’s daughter has since died of a brain tumor.

Make sure to help Hillary get back into the white house. Hundreds of potential bimbos need your help.


NY Post-

“Monica, however, still regarded herself quite favorably as the president’s singular mistress. So now she was pissed off. She pressed the officer about the delay and wanted to know why she was left standing in his security booth. He lashed back,” writes Byrne, who was later told of the exchange by a colleague.

“You have to wait. He’s with his other piece of a–. Wait till he’s finished,” the officer told her.

It was clear to all, including Lewinsky, that the president was “screwing with Eleanor in the Oval Office.”

Irate, Lewinsky responded with an unseemly gesture, toward her body, “What’s he want with her when he has this?”

But, Byrne writes, “Eleanor Mondale and Monica Lewinsky could not satiate the president’s horndog sexual desires.”

There were others, like the unnamed White House receptionist Byrne literally cleaned up after.

In late 1996 or early 1997, while Whitewater and the Paula Jones affair was being probed by Ken Starr, Byrne was approached by a senior chief petty officer named Nel who had long served in the White House pantry as a steward.

“Does that look like semen to you?” Nel asked, nervously showing Byrne a towel — emblazoned with the White House seal — that he found in the study.

“Yeah, that sure looks like it,” Byrne replied. “What the f- -k and who would?

“We wondered how he got any work done and joked that he would have been better at running a brothel in a red-light district than the White House.”

“Nel explained that he’d been finding — and cleaning — semen- and lipstick-stained towels for weeks. I was shocked. If the stains didn’t rinse out, he’d carefully remove them by hand. He was terrified that if he passed them on to other Navy laundry personnel downstairs he’d not only reveal Bill Clinton’s affairs, he’d embarrass the presidency itself.”

Byrne deduced the lipstick was not Monica’s.

“I did not connect the lipstick to Monica at that time,” he would tell investigators years later.

“Did you connect the lipstick to anyone?”

“Without revealing any privileged information on the advice of my counsel . . . Yes, I did.”

“You connected it with someone but didn’t connect it with Monica?”

“Yes,” Byrne said, admitting he believed it belonged to a “West Wing receptionist.”

Believing the presidency was at stake, he stuffed the towels in a trash bag and disposed of it off the White House grounds.

While the White House felt like a “brothel” — and Byrne believed Hillary Clinton knew of the affairs — the Secret Service had the “nerve-racking” responsibility of maintaining marital peace.


11 Comments on Monica Lewinsky Purportedly Was Incensed When Bill Cheated on Her With Eleanor Mondale

  1. Daughter?
    I figured “Eleanor” was Mondale’s mother … or his dog …
    but knowing Bubba, it could’ve been his Boa Constrictor …

    izlamo delenda est …

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