Months after Starbucks pulled out of Russia, the coffee shops are being reopened as STARS COFFEE – IOTW Report

Months after Starbucks pulled out of Russia, the coffee shops are being reopened as STARS COFFEE

Insider: Former Starbucks coffee shops reopened in Moscow on Thursday as Stars Coffee.The rebranded coffee shops are owned by Russian businessman Anton Pinskiy, Russian rapper Timur Yunusov, known as Timati, and Sindika Company, who bought all 130 Russian Starbucks businesses in the country from Starbucks Corp.

In place of the Starbucks mermaid, Stars Coffee’s logo is a woman wearing a traditional Russian headdress called a kokoshnik, Russian media company Sostav reported.  more

19 Comments on Months after Starbucks pulled out of Russia, the coffee shops are being reopened as STARS COFFEE

  1. I like the new logo, an improvement over the StarF**ks mermaid.
    And I’d like to at least try their coffee once (once!) to see if there’s any improvement there as well.

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    AUGUST 21, 2022 AT 10:25 AM
    “I like the new logo, an improvement over the StarF**ks mermaid.”

    …being the hypocrites they are, Starbucks participates in the oppression of women with its logo in Saudi Arabia by shoving the mermaid underwater except for her crown so her breasts and hair don’t offend 7th century barbarians.

    So its not the mermaid’s first time. But the Russian version is probably better.

  3. Tony R,

    Money exchange Franchises “BUCKS”

    “Ve Vill exchange you Tiny Euro-Doolars for Powerful Petro-Rubles so zat Europe will not freeze its emasculated Vegetarian Bolls Off.” – Vlad.

  4. Seriously though,

    We buy Kicking Horse Coffee and brew it at home.
    “KICK ASS” “GRIZZLY CLAW” & “454” seem to be the family favourites.

    The one called “SMART ASS” is rather SHHHIIIITTTYY though.

    You might Like it, Cheers.

  5. The same happened in Israel after the Jew-haters at Starfucks pulled out of Israel. The outlets re-opened with similar names and color schemes but with better coffee.

  6. Why’d the Russkies have to buy them?
    Starbucks abandoned them.
    Soooooo … Starbucks STILL made money off the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    What a bunch of greedy hypocrites.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I would not be surprised if Starbucks, like McDonald’s before them, made a deal: “We’ll change the name and pretend to have pulled out but we otherwise we will continue just as before. We get the PR, and you get to pretend you are not overrun by American corporations.”


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