Monty Python VS P.C. – IOTW Report

Monty Python VS P.C.

From the Bullpen by Czar of Defenestration

It’s only John Cleese, but he’s got a great point or two about humor and political correctness in society.

11 Comments on Monty Python VS P.C.


    The Ministry of silly Walks is being sued by People with Mobility Impairments

    The Dead parrot Pet Shop is being taken to court by PETA

    The Knights who say NI! are being investigated by the US Access Group, on behalf of people with speech impediments

    The Flying Circus and its fleet of Feet are being grounded by the FAA

    (thanks for posting this, Claudia)

  2. And the World’s most lethal/ deadliest joke is being sued by the Alliance For The Humor Impaired which is an offshoot of the PC crowd. Mr. Creosote is being sued by people with bulimia/ anorexia and other eating disorders and also by The Anti Gluttony League. And all humor is being banned because it might hurt some ones feelings. Boo effin hoo, get over it. What a bunch of namby pamby miserable killjoys.

  3. I’ve always been a huge Python fan, but Cleese has ranted against American conservatives in the fairly recent past, so too bad, John, you’re railing against the very sort of policies and practices you probably helped put in place…

  4. The lesson here is you get what you vote for, and you get it good and hard, so Mr Cleese, avid British Labour Party supporter and proud champagne socialist that he is, has some nerve complaining about the price of ass bite cream and anusol. On the other hand, good for him for calling out the PC insanity, even if he doesn’t get how he’s contributed to the problem.

  5. Oops! Another accidental slip of the mask from the face of Leftist “Racism” at the heart of Liberal PC ideology…

    “We’ve gone from ‘Let’s not be mean to the people who … um… can’t take care of themselves very well, which is a good thing, to…”

    In other words, “Blacks”, “gays”, and whatever other “minority groups” they intended to protect with their original PC intent are, in their eyes, inferior and incapable of coping with any criticism, and therefore needed to be shielded by their “Progressive superiority”!!!

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