Mooch Jets Away, Alone, To Majorca To Stay With Fabulous Couple – IOTW Report

Mooch Jets Away, Alone, To Majorca To Stay With Fabulous Couple


MICHELLE Obama has touched down in Mallorca – but without husband Barack.

The former First Lady is visiting the island as the guest of ex-US ambassador to Spain, James Costos and his husband Michael Smith.

It is the second time she has visited Palma, having stayed with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia at Marivent palace in 2010.

Obama arrived in the dead of night at Son Sant Joan early on Tuesday amid heavy security, according to airport sources.

She is expected to stay with close friends Costos and Smith, who usually holiday in luxury Mallorca finca Ses Planes, a sanctuary for horses.


HT/ The Big Owe

No concern for the carbon assprint? We just had a climate change induced hurricane!

33 Comments on Mooch Jets Away, Alone, To Majorca To Stay With Fabulous Couple

  1. “The former First Lady is visiting the island as the guest of ex-US ambassador to Spain, James Costos and his husband Michael Smith.”

    I bet he’s bringing a 55 gallon drum of Crisco and some plastic sheets. Not hard to figure out who’s doing the pitching and who’s going to be doing the catching.

  2. you can bet that if it was melania trump and not the moose that wore lose fitting pants that allowed her dick to stick out when it flopped around while she walked the msm would certainly mention it.

  3. Thirdtwin: I guess Barky is sitting home alone in his bathrobe.

    No doubt, Lil Bath-house Barry will be yerkin his gerhkin to the live stream on the big screen. He don’t need no Big Mike, no hows. He and the Iranian Super Spy hermaphrodite Valarie Jarret are a thing don’t cha know.

    A real YUCKFEST either way.

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