Mooch Juice Is Bad for Youths – IOTW Report

Mooch Juice Is Bad for Youths


Michelle Obama’s juice drink for children fails her own health standards due to the high sugar content.

Obama recently co-founded Plezi nutrition which just launched juices for kids.

According to health experts, the new juice drinks fail the Obama-era health standards put in place to fight childhood obesity. More

20 Comments on Mooch Juice Is Bad for Youths

  1. Hopefully, the side effects are clearly marked on the label;

    A false sense of entitlement
    An uncontrollable urge to claim achievement by riding on spouse’s coattails
    Acquiring the annoying habit of viewing everything thru the lens of race
    Feelings of narcissism and an inflated ego based on zero accomplishments
    Thinking that your shit don’t stink
    Scrotum sack dropping and accelerated facial hair

  2. Good fashioned sugar laden strawberry Kool-Aid (bug juice) on a hot day works to slake my thirst. I used to drink it to the max when I was in the Navy and working full flight ops up on the flight deck of the Kitty Hawk. And pop, all the cold pop that you could drink at .15 cents a can from vending machines all over the ship. The alternative being drinking water from a water fountain on the island that tasted like it had JP5 (jet fuel) mixed in it. When it’s super-hot in the tropics and in the Indian Ocean and you’re sweating like there’s no tomorrow and taking salt tablets mandatorily to keep from becoming dehydrated there’s nothing like drinking huge amounts of bug juice and pop to stay hydrated.


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