Mooch’s Personal Beef with the Bidens – IOTW Report

Mooch’s Personal Beef with the Bidens


Former First Lady Michelle Obama privately has expressed frustration over how the Biden family largely exiled her close friend Kathleen Buhle after Buhle’s messy divorce from Hunter Biden, two people familiar with the relationship told Axios.

Why it matters: The family tensions — and the former first lady’s disdain for partisan politics — are partly why one of the Democrats’ most popular voices hasn’t campaigned for President Biden’s re-election, the sources said, even as former President Obama has been a willing surrogate.

21 Comments on Mooch’s Personal Beef with the Bidens

  1. Don’t you think even s(he) doesn’t buy into the “White Rabbit” mentality of the Bidens since s(he) can’t collect on it but must pay the “Big Guy” to get it…plus perhaps knows s(he)’S not worth sniffing because of Mooch’s Personal (thanks Harry) Beef…🕺

  2. They want Mooch to step in as Messiah at the convention with promises that s(he) will be better than BOTH the “pale, stale males”.

    This way, since s(he)s basically running as the old White man antidode, s(he) doesnt have to walk anything positive about Pedo back later and can claim s(he) always knew he was on the wrong path so s(he) couldmt endorse him.

    After Pedo pops a rivet at the debates, you watch, s(he)ll be annointed as the “reluctant savior” by the “acclaim of the people” to lead them out of the White Male bondage of BOTH parties into some angry Black tranny paradise, whatever that might be, but with the “debates” ALREADY behind them so s(he) NEVER has to take or defend a public position on ANYTHING, and with an inexhaustable supply of race and gender cards to make sure it STAYS that way.

    Dont forget that DonkeyCon is in Chicongo this year, Barry’s alleged hometown, where the streets run black with BLM supporters dying for a new Black Messiah. Pretty good way to bring wayward Blacks that are daring to step off the Democrat plantation back into the fold too, nicht wahr?

    Mooch Obama, hand-picked by Black Jeebus Himself to be the next Communist Mahdi.

    Coming to a White House near you.

  3. HungJumper
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 17:45 AT 5:45 PM
    “She’s always struck me as a petty, nasty person.:

    …so, add “her” laziness and natural talent forv grifting in as well as “her” hatred for America in general and the White people in it in particular, s(he)s a perfect model Democrat.

  4. (s)he got to see what the job entails watching Barry age before her eyes. No way Mooch wants to get on that hot seat, even if it was to run with Hildabeast as VP then step down right after being sworn in.

  5. Maybe Big Mike doesn’t want her(?) Demwit fans to know why the right calls her(?) Big Mike. She(?) might be pissed and “scarred” (ebonics for scared) Dementia Joe will eventually let the tranny out of the bag.


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