More Icons of Yesteryear With Their Current Faces – IOTW Report

More Icons of Yesteryear With Their Current Faces

We did some HERE.

Here are some more-

hawkeye kirk mtm

40 Comments on More Icons of Yesteryear With Their Current Faces

  1. Well, you know what the alternative is… You kin always be the purtiest or richest one in the cemetery no matter your age.

    I’ll always remember Red Skelton saying that he didn’t take life seriously because he wasn’t going to get out of it alive.

  2. @BFH – wrinkles, lines and sagging in aging skin are largely caused by the contraction / depletion of collagen fibers that naturally form the foundation for most everything in the body including skin. Depending on how interested you are in it, this link has a lengthy study on it with some illustrations.

    This link has images of how collagen fibers form in the skin (called Langer’s Lines). My physical problem was caused by taking a specific combination of supplements over many years that caused my body to build too much collagen …. to the extent that the patterns shown in the linked images were visible on the surface of my skin (I removed some of these visible fibers from my skin that were more than 3 feet long). The images will give you a good idea of what causes the skin show signs of aging though.

  3. Every time DH and I get on a plane and we’re sitting by the wing, we think of William Shatner in the episode of the Twilight Zone with the ape on the wing gazing at Shatner. He keeps taking meds…LMAO! Did ya see the monkey DH? lmao!

  4. The stars listed above don’t look like they’ve had a lot of work done re: lifts and botox, some work sure. The ones like Phyllis Diller or Joan Rivers are what scares me. They all must go to Dr. Halloween for cosmetic surgery.

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